• The Maoist rebels have been conducting a violent campaign to replace the constitutional monarchy with a communist republic.

    BBC: Nepalese market

  • The Maoists have been fighting for a communist republic in Nepal since 1996, and the insurgency has claimed the lives of more than 2, 000 people.

    BBC: Nepal PM urges emergency extension

  • As worries grow in developed nations about a future without plentiful supplies of oil, the communist republic is proving to be an increasingly popular example of how to cope when the spigots run dry, for the simple reason: they've already been there.

    CNN: Can the West cultivate ideas from Cuba's 'Special Period'?

  • Sixty two years ago, the Communist invasion of the Republic of Korea summoned a generation of Americans to serve.

    WHITEHOUSE: The White House

  • There are limits to how much an Islamic republic and a communist state can have in common, but they seem to agree on what to avoid: Western-style freedom.

    ECONOMIST: Democracy's decline

  • China's Communist leaders want their People's Republic to be accorded the respect due to any big power.

    ECONOMIST: China��s party

  • Lithuania was the first Soviet republic to break away from Communist control.

    CNN: Wednesday,

  • In 2010, Wales was the lowest ranked UK nation for reading at joint 38th of 67 nations, also lagging behind former Communist states such as Latvia and the Czech Republic.

    BBC: School standards: Councils warned of 'further action'

  • At this writing, some 30 percent of the territory of the democratic republic of Croatia has been seized by communist Serbian insurgents backed by the federal armed forces which are dominated by Serbian officers and enlisted men.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • It's often said contemptuously in the West of the People's Republic's faux democracy that the Communist Party has offered their masses things in lieu of political rights, but I'm inclined to believe that our system consists in pretty much the same sort of trade-off.

    BBC: A Point of View: Lords, lordlings and�� crumpets

  • In communist times, Kosovo was an autonomous province of the Yugoslav republic of Serbia, but since 1989, when its autonomy was ended, repression has intensified.

    ECONOMIST: Intervene in Kosovo?

  • Mr Akaev, a respected physicist, won a tough fight for the presidency in 1990 against a communist boss, and won popular election in 1991 after the republic gained independence.

    ECONOMIST: A proliferation of revolutions

  • One wishes, however, that some comparable attention were being given to obviating the danger of such a clash through the transformation of that Communist-ruled state into a true "people's republic, " in other words, a democracy.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: A post-release message for Communist China's leaders

  • Poland and four other ex-communist countries tipped for membership by the European Commission Hungary, the Czech Republic, Estonia and Slovenia will be joining a more-liberal Union, and only 15 years or so after discarding a system that was the very antithesis of liberalism.

    ECONOMIST: Unfinished business | The

  • Indeed, the army has already violently intervened there using the pretext of ethnic strife between that republic's Croat majority and the Serbian minority -- strife reportedly fanned, if not deliberately fomented, by communist Serbs in the federal government and armed forces as well as in the Marxist republic of Serbia.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • It was created in 1918 (when Otto was five) from the ruins of the Austro-Hungarian empire, taken over and broken up by Germany in 1939, became a communist state in 1948 and since 1993 has been divided into two countries, the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

    ECONOMIST: Otto Wichterle

  • Indeed, in 1965, Asuncion sent troops to fight with US Marines in the Dominican Republic in 1965 in what the US later said was a move to prevent a communist takeover.

    BBC: NEWS | Americas | Obituary: Alfredo Stroessner

  • Most EU member states - apart from the UK, the Republic of Ireland and Sweden - kept work permit restrictions and quotas in place when the eight ex-communist countries joined.

    BBC: EU chides UK over migrant workers from Eastern Europe

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