• The Phone Port adapter plugs into a common electrical wall socket and then connects to any device on your phone line: a plain old phone, a fax machine or even a Caller ID box.

    FORBES: Ten O'Clock Tech: Data Plumbing For The Home

  • That was -- the common-sense sort of axiom behind Wall Street reform was we had to have a set of rules that worked for everybody.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • That's why we're going to keep fighting for common-sense rules of the road for Wall Street.

    WHITEHOUSE: The White House

  • But beyond these superficialities, Occupy Wall Street has little else in common with either Tahrir Square or the Tea Party.

    FORBES: Occupy Wall Street: One Man's Thoughts

  • Now, even before the crisis hit, I went to Wall Street and I called for common-sense reforms to protect consumers and our economy as a whole.

    WHITEHOUSE: Signing the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act

  • That explosion you heard was MSSB getting hoisted on its own petard an increasingly common mishap in these case brought by former Wall Street employers.

    FORBES: Former Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Employee Wins Promissory Note Arbitration

  • Even before the financial crisis that led to this recession, I spoke on Wall Street about the need for common-sense reforms to protect consumers and our economy as a whole.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama on Wall Street Reform Vote

  • When we meet someone in their office we look at pictures on their wall so we can share something in common.

    FORBES: Am I Wasting My Time On Social Media?

  • The 21st anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall is an occasion to renew our common commitment to advance the cause of world freedom in the 21st century.

    WHITEHOUSE: Presidential Proclamation -- World Freedom Day

  • Given the scepticism about big telecoms alliances that prevails in most multinationals easily made, just as easily broken, is the common complaint the enthusiasm for Equant on Wall Street is perhaps less surprising.

    ECONOMIST: Telecoms

  • There's more common ground between the Tea Party and the Occupy Wall Street movements than you might think - a kind of populist revulsion at what seems to be the irresponsible excesses of the American financial sector and at the unwillingness or inability of the lawmakers in Washington to do enough about it.

    BBC: Wall street sign

  • Furthermore, given the state of Wall Street right now, where layoffs are common, many of these people might be facing an extended period without a paycheck.

    FORBES: Who Has Jon Corzine Hurt?

  • And it means common-sense reforms that prevent irresponsibility of a few on Wall Street from threatening the dreams of millions on Main Street.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Visits Wind Turbine Blade Plant

  • Selling a newly minted stock short isn't a much discussed strategy outside of Wall Street trader circles, but it is a common practice.

    WSJ: Some Facebook Underwriters Helped Short Sellers

  • The patch is also being tested for a more common defect PFO, a hole that results when the heart wall doesn't seal the way it should after birth.

    NPR: Heart Repair Breakthroughs Replace Surgeon's Knife

  • Black-Scholes changed the culture of Wall Street, from a place where people traded based on common sense, experience and intuition, to a place where the computer said yes or no.

    BBC: Magazine

  • But the biggest difference between the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street is that the Tea Party is bound by a common set of values based on freedom, responsibility and property rights.

    FORBES: Occupy Wall Street Is Certainly No Tea Party

  • But what we've seen so far, in recent weeks, is an army of industry lobbyists from Wall Street descending on Capitol Hill to try and block basic and common-sense rules of the road that would protect our economy and the American people.

    WHITEHOUSE: The ��Volcker Rule�� for Financial Institutions

  • Last week Timothy Geithner, the Federal Reserve's man on Wall Street, gave warning that all this might make financial crises less common, but more severe.

    ECONOMIST: Financial markets

  • What Wall Street and Hong Kong, or London and Malaysia, have had in common is not a direct connection but a similar psychological history.

    ECONOMIST: A week on the wild side

  • It's a common (if unconfirmed) belief that the next iPhone will support LTE-based 4G, but the Wall Street Journal now understands through the ever-present "people familiar with the matter" that Apple is taking 4G worldwide.

    ENGADGET: WSJ: 2012 iPhone to support global 4G LTE Mobile

  • It would be a shame if House Republicans, led by the Majority Leader, at the urging of Wall Street interests and other inside-the-Beltway forces, watered down the tough but common-sense measures supported by Republicans and Democrats alike.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Recently, a story ( Analytical Trend Troubles Scientists) appeared in The Wall Street Journal that was critical of what turns out to be an increasingly common type of medical investigation: the observational study.

    FORBES: What Did You Know, and When Did You Stop Knowing It?

  • This is a good sign, but it will be one of the biggest challenges facing Wall Street and financial professionals to change the conversations they have with clients from selling products to providing common sense advice about how to save for a secure retirement.

    FORBES: The New Retirement Plan: Save More, Invest Less

  • He will seek opportunities as it relates to the overall bill to strengthen it, and will fight, as he said yesterday, any effort to weaken the legislation that he believes, again, provides very clear, common-sense rules of the road so that the American people are never on the hook for the excesses of Wall Street banks.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

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