• Two firms under the common control of a third party are considered affiliated.

    FORBES: Consultants With Affiliated Broker-Dealers: How Independent Is Their Advice? (April 1, 1996 )

  • This common law concept relieves a party from fulfilling a contract if unforeseen circumstances make it impossible to do so.

    FORBES: Collateral Damage

  • We had all gone to that party with a common objective -- bring chocolate, eat chocolate and be happy -- only to be separated by our different interpretations or standards for what constituted "ideal" chocolate.

    CNN: How to avoid 'chocolate conversations' at work

  • The 18-year-old, from Farnham, is thought to have taken 2C-I or 2C-E at a party on Chobham Common on Saturday.

    BBC: Pair held over Farnham teenager 'drug death'

  • Feingold called for troops to be home by the end of next year and also made clear his party is searching for a common, marketable theme.

    NPR: Sheehan Magnifies Fissures on Iraq

  • But the biggest difference between the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street is that the Tea Party is bound by a common set of values based on freedom, responsibility and property rights.

    FORBES: Occupy Wall Street Is Certainly No Tea Party

  • No party has a monopoly on compassion and it is an insult to common decency for any party to claim it.

    BBC: UK Politics

  • No matter how large or small the entity or their party affiliation, there is a common theme to their goals: in these times of austerity and uncertainty, governments have a singular focus on not only doing more with less, but NEW with less so they can compete globally, grow jobs, and give their constituents an opportunity to succeed.

    FORBES: Meeting The Business Challenges Of Government

  • The industry has even joined forces with the opposition party to launch a massive lobbying campaign against common-sense rules to protect consumers and prevent another crisis.

    WHITEHOUSE: Weekly Address: Getting Our Money Back from Wall Street

  • One 2009 study examined how workers reacted to several common methods of firing, such as having a third party such as a human resources manager or a security guard present during the firing, or mentioning the employee's positive attributes as he or she was being dismissed.

    WSJ: Bad Call: Firing Yahoo CEO Bartz by Phone

  • Rival contenders for the party leadership have been unable to agree on a common motion.

    ECONOMIST: The French Socialist Party

  • "Today's announcement reflects the common commitment of the participants in the Six-Party Talks to realize a Korean Peninsula that is free of nuclear weapons, " the president said.

    CNN: N. Korea to disable nuclear complex

  • It is common sense that one cannot negotiate a settlement without first engaging the other party.

    FORBES: Charity Regulators (Finally) Eye Overvaluation Of Donated Goods

  • Yet he has a reputation for competence and common sense, and seven of the party's eight factions backed him.

    ECONOMIST: Japan's new prime minister

  • The perception that the ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi party (CCM) are competent managers of the economy is a common one, but at the same time corruption affects everyone's lives.

    BBC: Election fever grips Tanzania

  • In fairness, the committee has done well to resist the common temptation, when looking at things superficially, to name and blame a particular party, or even a particular person, like the Obama government clearly could not avoid the same temptation in the weeks following the disaster, explicitly and exclusively heaping blame on BP and its CEO Tony Hayward in particular.

    FORBES: The BP oil rig disaster -- better brace yourself: there is surely more to come

  • It also might seem to set limits to the scope of Mr Harris and his Common Sense Revolution. (After all, in Ottawa his party has fewer seats than a rival right-wing group, the Reform Party.) But in Ontario's election, at least, he and his revolution have been the main issue.

    ECONOMIST: Canada

  • There's more common ground between the Tea Party and the Occupy Wall Street movements than you might think - a kind of populist revulsion at what seems to be the irresponsible excesses of the American financial sector and at the unwillingness or inability of the lawmakers in Washington to do enough about it.

    BBC: Wall street sign

  • By leading with a reform platform, based on the concepts of transparency, accountability and thrift, Republicans can inspire the best of the Tea Party, find common cause with independent voters, and motivate traditional GOP supporters, giving themselves a chance to regain the trust of the American people, recapture the Congress, and provide a necessary check to the Obama White House.

    CNN: Commentary: How GOP can manage Tea Party

  • But I have a little list of third party candidates and one thing the recent ones have in common is that they did not win.

    NPR: Bloomberg, Thompson Could Reshuffle Republican Primary

  • And at a time when most Americans are starving for leaders willing to cross party lines and find common ground, he is about as far from compromise as you can get.

    CNN: New leader of the GOP: Rand Paul

  • But the more common view seems to be that, despite the makeover, the party is as corrupt as ever -- a fact that voters seem willing to overlook if it can steer the country to safer and more tranquil waters.

    CNN: Is Pe?a Nieto good news for Mexico?

  • It is common knowledge that political parties use their patronage of jobs in the customs service to ensure a flow of cash into party coffers.

    ECONOMIST: Old Bolivian customs

  • There followed a huge campaign to change party rules, and replace former Callaghan supporters with left wing members who would oppose the Common Market, and support a policy of state ownership.

    BBC: The Michael Foot story

  • The party was met first on Castle Hill by 50 young men dressed up like fantastic blackamoors, a fairly common feature of Renaissance pageants symbolising exotic forces of disorder, which had to be tamed by the authority of a Christian ruler.

    BBC: Elizabethan drama and iconic theatres

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