• In the eyes of some Americans, they have become collectively known as dangerous outsiders.

    NPR: Many Arab-Americans Still Perceived As A 'Problem'

  • The two conditions, collectively known as inflammatory bowel disease, account for more than 700, 000 doctor visits and 100, 000 hospitalizations in the U.S. each year.

    WSJ: The Research Report: Slapping On a Skin Patch to Combat Hay Fever

  • Google has assembled a coalition of more than 30 companies, collectively known as the Open Handset Alliance (OHA), that have pledged to bring Android to market.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • It's no secret that we still have a long way to go before achieving gender equity in the fields collectively known as STEM: science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

    CNN: The historical analogs of brilliant women

  • Two years later, the grouping of arcades collectively known as Brixton Village is thriving, their empty units now home to long-term businesses like restaurants, bars, boutiques and bakeries.

    BBC: Brixton sheds its shady side

  • The three, collectively known as the troika, must sign off on any Plan B the Cypriots come up with if it is to be approved as part of the bailout.

    NPR: Cyprus Works On Plan B To Stave Off Bankruptcy

  • Mr. Bo's ouster is a blow to fellow party leaders who backed him, for personal or ideological reasons, and lower-level officials and academics collectively known as the "new left" who supported his Maoist revival.

    WSJ: China Ouster Shows Party at a Crossroads

  • In 1983, the issue was whether the NATO alliance would proceed with its agreed plan to deploy hundreds of Pershing II ballistic missiles and Ground-Launched Cruise Missiles in five Western European nations (collectively known as Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces or INF).


  • The leaders of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa -- collectively known as the BRICS -- "agreed to examine in greater detail a proposal to set up a BRICS-led South-South Development Bank, funded and managed by the BRICS and other developing countries, " said Prime Minister Manmohan Singh of India.

    CNN: BRICS leaders edge closer to setting up development bank

  • Eurozone finance ministers, known collectively as the Eurogroup, are confident of agreeing a bailout for Cyprus by the end of March.

    BBC: Eurozone confident on Cyprus bailout

  • The canyon floor supports a handful of idyllic rustic retreats -- known collectively as Sangalle -- reachable only by foot or mule.

    BBC: Exploring Peru��s epic Colca Canyon

  • We must get rid of the riders, known collectively as the Tiahrt Amendment, attached annually to Justice Department appropriations legislation since 2004.

    CNN: Commentary: Stop flow of U.S. guns to Mexico drug war

  • These products have come to be known collectively as Shariah-Compliant Finance (SCF) and further threaten what is left of the integrity of our free market system.


  • The XA-C51, XA-C110 and XA-C210 models known collectively as the Alneo series, bring 2GB, 1GB, and 512MB of memory respectively in your choice of black, silver, and white.

    ENGADGET: JVC Victor's Alneo flash players get gapless playback and USB streaming

  • Current rules, known collectively as Corporate Average Fuel Economy, or CAFE, force automakers to average 21 miles per gallon for all of the so-called light trucks it sells--pickups, minivans and SUVs.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Known collectively as the Crater Lakes, their 65m deep, tranquil ultramarine waters belie a violent past: both were formed anywhere from 17, 000 to 10, 000 years ago by a massive volcanic eruption.

    BBC: Escaping the heat in Far North Queensland

  • Karas , director of the center for preventative cardiology at Tufts University and who headed up the analysis, says his study actually reaffirms the safety of Lipitor, Zocor and Pravachol, known collectively as statins.

    FORBES: Study Questions Crestor Safety

  • Mr. WANG: These groups were known collectively as combos nacionales, national groups, and through them a new kind of Panamanian sound emerged, mirroring musical styles as distinct and distant as New York boogaloo, Cuban descarga and Trinidadian calypso.

    NPR: The Sounds of Panama's Mixed Musical Heritage

  • The International Monetary Fund (IMF), the European Central Bank (ECB) and the European Commission - the group of donor bodies known collectively as the "troika" - are examining whether Greece is making sufficient progress towards reforming its public finances.

    BBC: Longer working week suggested for Greece

  • Classes were held in the original buildings, several massive concrete units known collectively as the Cellblock, a bike ride or long walk away from the dorms, and the flow of students back and forth in tribal swarms seemed part of the architecture of the place.

    NEWYORKER: Midnight in Dostoevsky

  • Henri's disciples were known collectively as the Ashcan School, partly because of the lowlife subjects they painted, but also because of the gritty, expressive handling of paint, which you can see in the swift brush strokes of "Forty-two Kids, " and Bellows's famous painting of an illicit prizefight, "Stag at Sharkey's" (1909).

    WSJ: Review: Escape to New York | George Bellows at the Royal Academy in London

  • Collectively these offshoots are known as exchange-traded products (ETPs).

    ECONOMIST: The risks created by complicating a simple idea

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