• Civil rights legislation and a more educated society made the South more tolerant and hospitable.

    CNN: Family roots lure many African-Americans back to South

  • Congress is supposed to provide certain kinds of justifications for civil retroactive legislation.

    FORBES: Meet The Doctor Who Is Suing To Block ObamaCare From Torpedoing His Hospital

  • But many of the activists are comparing this potentially to the impact that the 1960 civil rights legislation had for black Americans.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Responding to ever more urgent demands, he took vigorous action in the cause of equal rights, calling for new civil rights legislation.

    WHITEHOUSE: John F. Kennedy

  • And fairness, a major piece of civil rights legislation is their responsibility and that has to do with making sure that everyone has fair acess to credit.

    NPR: Beware the Bad Home Loans

  • The use of police dogs and fire hoses on peaceful protestors attracted much media attention and national sympathy and prompted President Kennedy to introduce major civil rights legislation in June 1963.

    FORBES: Martin Luther King Day

  • In April of 1968, just one week after the assassination of Martin Luther King, as our nation mourned in grief and shuddered in anger, President Lyndon Johnson signed landmark civil rights legislation.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Commemorates Enactment of Hate Crimes Prevention Act | The White House

  • "Our aim is to give these young disabled people an opportunity to be involved with planning and delivering the messages which will influence decision-makers from all over the world to strengthen civil rights legislation in relation to disability, " she said.

    BBC: Youngsters tackle disability issues

  • Yes, Republicans played a critical role in civil rights legislation during the 1950s and 1960s while Southern Democrats were obstructionists -- but it's the GOP's concern for blacks and minorities in the last four decades that has been troubling and problematic.

    CNN: Want black votes, GOP? Listen to black voters

  • Just as Nixon could go to China, a Southern Democrat such as Lyndon Johnson was needed to pass civil rights legislation and Bill Clinton was able to sign welfare reform after decades of Republicans talking about it, Obama can put our country on a balanced path of long-term economic growth and fiscal responsibility.

    CNN: Obama's chance to lead -- or kick the can down the road

  • The impact was immediate: she was working on civil-rights legislation on a committee whose chairmanship had suddenly gone from Edward Kennedy to Strom Thurmond, a former segregationist.

    NEWYORKER: The Contrarian

  • It wants an exemption written into the Freedom Bill, a piece of civil-liberties legislation currently percolating through Parliament, which would protect the right to protest in quasi-public spaces.

    ECONOMIST: Are private developers squeezing out demos?

  • In Parliament, the party has helped to pass important new legislation expanding civil liberties, such as a Freedom of Information Act.

    ECONOMIST: Germany's minority group

  • But while the executive order seems to strike the delicate balance between increasing security on our online infrastructures while avoiding civil rights pitfalls, legislation currently making its way back towards the US Congress may actually do more harm than help.

    FORBES: Defending our electronic border

  • Many consider the Voting Rights Act the most effective legislation of the civil-rights era, and even conservative justices acknowledged its historic role.

    WSJ: Voting Act Under Scrutiny

  • The Alliance Party leader David Ford has compared the current debate over equal marriage legislation to the civil rights campaign 50 years ago in Northern Ireland.

    BBC: Ford compares gay marriage debate to civil rights campaign

  • Many consider the Voting Rights Act the most effective legislation of the civil-rights era, and even conservative justices on Wednesday acknowledged its utility in breaking Jim Crow segregation laws.

    WSJ: Justices Question Aspects of Voting Rights Act

  • Mr. CHRIS SIMCOX (Minuteman Civil Defense Corps): No legislation is better than bad legislation.

    NPR: Immigration Stalemate Frustrates Arizona

  • Last September, the Alliance Party voted in support of legislation to allow gay civil marriage in Northern Ireland.

    BBC: Ford compares gay marriage debate to civil rights campaign

  • In a broader sense, though, this is the first piece of legislation perhaps since the civil rights movement that so many states have lined up against.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Born out of years of advocacy, the act took the conceptual template of existing rights legislation the 1964 Civil Rights Act and applied it to disability discrimination.

    NEWYORKER: Little Strangers

  • But he sought and received GOP congressional support for Medicare, Medicaid, civil rights, education and other Great Society legislation.

    WSJ: Ted Van Dyk: My Unrecognizable Democratic Party

  • Decisions about issues like civil unions or right-to-die legislation should be made by the states, not the federal government.

    FORBES: '08 Tracker: December

  • He has carried out four of the five chief policies he set out in the election campaign: money for child care, a cut in the sales tax, tougher laws against street crime, and legislation to make politicians and the civil service more accountable.

    ECONOMIST: Canada

  • This legislation would also phase out much of the civil service protection currently afforded to patent examiners, exposing them to politicization.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • Legislation that will further encroach on already endangered civil rights, including bills on the media and the police, is in the pipeline.

    ECONOMIST: Venezuela

  • The government held a consultation on the subject earlier this year, proposing legislation to permit same-sex unions in civil ceremonies in a register office or approved premises.

    BBC: Government extends marriage to same-sex couples

  • If Congress wants to reverse such de facto legislative moves, say defenders of this judicial power-grabbing, it can pass corrective legislation, as it did with the 1991 Civil Rights Act in response to related Court decisions.

    FORBES: Fact and Comment

  • Moreover, despite the election, he is forging ahead with further controversial legislation: an immigration bill and a reform of civil-service pensions promised for this autumn.

    ECONOMIST: Germany

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