• The Chinese Communists appear especially anxious to reestablish their ability to have unfettered, undisciplined access to the U.S. capital markets.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • That would be an excruciating outcome for the Chinese Communists, who demand the right to control Tibetans' relations with the divine.

    ECONOMIST: Banyan

  • Under a ferocious assault from Chinese communists at Unsan, Korea in November 1950, Kapaun repeatedly dodged enemy fire to pull comrades to safety, and to tend to their injuries.

    WSJ: Review & Outlook: Memorial Day

  • "With a lack of political reform, one can hardly say that the Chinese Communists' foundation for building a modern Chinese state are consolidated, " Hong Kong Economic Journal comments.

    BBC: China media: New dream

  • Should that happen, history may record this as a moment when the failure to speak truth to the Chinese Communists in power in Beijing condemned the two nations to conflict down the road.


  • Along the trail, Freeman established a record of naked partisanship on behalf of actual or potential adversaries like the House of Saud, the Chinese Communists, the Iranian mullahs and even the terrorists of Hamas.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Who's next on Obama list for intel chairman?

  • The last third of this book, which should have been a fascinating account of his role as a public intellectual, instead recounts Friedman saying much the same thing to everyone, from American presidents to Chinese communists.

    ECONOMIST: Milton Friedman

  • Another would be to call it what it is: a blatant double-standard that has the effect of excusing and enabling Islamists, the Chinese Communists and other totalitarians to engage in mass and often brutal repression of Christians for simply exercising religious liberties our country claims to consider unalienable.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: No Christmas future for the Middle East?

  • Indeed, the older ones spent their formative years fighting Chinese-backed communists.

    ECONOMIST: How Myanmar is moving ever closer into China��s orbit

  • It was a restricted military post for almost 40 years during the long conflict between the Communists and the Chinese Nationalists.

    BBC: Where the wild things are in Taiwan

  • The Japanese sometimes joke that they are better communists than the Chinese.

    FORBES: Beer And Bailouts

  • One of his jobs for the agency was to buy arms left over from the war in Europe and send them to Taiwan, which had become the refuge of Chinese nationalists defeated by the Communists.

    ECONOMIST: Samuel Cummings

  • This surprisingly cosmopolitan country has only one visceral fear: that of the Chinese who dominated Mongolia for far longer than the communists ever did.

    ECONOMIST: But promise to be very different this time

  • But since the communists triumphed in 1949, the grip of the Han Chinese has tightened ever further.

    ECONOMIST: Xinjiang, China

  • The Asian touches evoke the heritage of company founder and chief executive Eugene Sit, a 59-year-old Chinese immigrant who jokes that he would have been a wealthy Guangzhou landowner today if the Communists hadn't imprisoned his mother and confiscated his grandparents' vast holdings in 1949.

    FORBES: The jelly bean team

  • Unless the United States is willing to be clear in its support of reformist and democratic forces and to impose meaningful penalties in response to unacceptable conduct, the hard-line communists in Beijing will have established that they can act with impunity against the Chinese people and fear no serious economic and financial repercussions from the West.


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