• "Beijing is sending a signal to North Korean leader Kim Jong-un that he'd better stop ignoring China's demands and creating instability on the Korean Peninsula, " Prof Shi says.

    BBC: China media: Cyber espionage

  • Will today's younger generation be able to cope with the demands of China's "third way", the co-existance of a communist government and a capitalist economy?

    BBC: [an error occurred while processing this directive]

  • Germany's duel with China to be the world's top exporter demands that it suppress incomes and so Germans' ability to consume.

    ECONOMIST: Germany and the euro

  • But Mr Tsang has hewed closely to China's line in his handling of public demands for more democracy, while showing a great deal of political savvy in presenting China's unpopular policies to the public.

    ECONOMIST: Hong Kong

  • Although the demonstrators made no political demands, China's autocratic rulers were shaken to the core.

    FORBES: Fact and Comment

  • But China views the U.S. demands as unjustifiable interference in its internal affairs.

    CNN: World waits to see how Bush will handle global issues

  • But if Brazil wants to move beyond being simply a commodity provider, or if China's growth slows and it demands fewer Brazilian resources, then what?

    BBC: Booming Brazil held back by education gap

  • Lastly, Washington, having strengthened the hand of China's conservatives, may have to soften its demands in areas such as WTO accession if it does not want to see the more open-minded, pro-reform elements in Beijing further undermined.


  • "Indonesia is a low-cost location so it's attracting investment that would have previously gone into China but because of wage demands that investment is going into Indonesia, " he said.

    CNN: Building on 'BRICS': The next emerging economies

  • For example, with American and other foreign businesses being encouraged to make ever-larger investments there, the U.S. capital markets are likely to experience huge new demands for China-related projects and so-called general-purpose financing.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • In fact, Chen's speech appeared to fairly successfully straddle a line between the demands of China on one hand and the radical, pro-independence faction of his Democratic Progressive Party on the other.

    CNN: The Week Ahead: Watching Beijing and Washington

  • Even in a shifting geopolitical environment, U.S. policy toward China should continue to reflect the fact that globalization means interdependence, and interdependence demands cooperation, not conflagration.

    FORBES: Look Hu's Coming To A State Dinner

  • China, seeking to woo Pacific states and boost its naval influence, has been unusually acquiescent to the PNA's demands.

    WSJ: David Walter: The Great Pacific Tuna Cartel

  • The U.S. might be getting all the oil it demands, but the story is different in places like China and Iraq, where because of electric power shortages governments and private citizens are turning to diesel.

    FORBES: Could We See A Summer Oil Shortage? This Economist Says Yes.

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