• But in stock markets and (especially) the market for government debt, investors seem to be counting on the European Central Bank to make everything come good in the end, whatever happens to the domestic economy in the meantime, and whatever the popular pressure on governments to change course.

    BBC: Solving the puzzle of rising markets

  • The Obama administration has proposed a central clearinghouse to make trading in credit default swaps, currently privately negotiated, more transparent.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • In a nutshell, they want the central bank to make more money available at longer maturities and against a wider range of collateral.

    ECONOMIST: Credit squeeze

  • Changing New York's central library to make it more relevant for today's users makes sense only if "relevance" weren't such a moving target.

    WSJ: The Library's Future Is Not an Open Book | By Julie V. Iovine | Public Library Renovation

  • Last month, the BoE joined forces with the U.S. Federal Reserve and European Central Bank to make an emergency half-point cut in interest rates.

    FORBES: Market Scan

  • Some countries would also like the European Central Bank to make better use of its monetary arsenal, as the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England have.

    ECONOMIST: The G20

  • As this will be the central bank's last meeting under current governor Masaaki Shirakawa, expectations are low for the central bank to make any big announcements.

    WSJ: Nikkei Sets Fresh 2013 High

  • The market exploded to the upside to kick off last week after world Central banks agreed to make a coordinated effort to boost dollar liquidity.

    FORBES: The Race Is On As Bulls Bid Up Stocks To Start Week

  • We need a proper strategy to make cleaning central to policy development.

    BBC: Some of the MRSA increase could be down to better reporting

  • Nonetheless the banks have to open and the European Central Bank will have to make up for the outflow of capital.

    WSJ: Greek Stocks Slump; Investors Play Catch Up on Cyprus Worries

  • He now is managing partner at Integrated Entertainment Partners, a new Beverly Hills shop working to make client products central to TV and movie plots.

    FORBES: Ad Infinitum?

  • The RRR cut was also a part of a global central bank coordination to make sure there was enough liquidity in the system, says John.

    FORBES: Stars Align For Year-End Rally In Stocks

  • The central government likes to make examples of foreign companies that break the law, as it did when it jailed the Chinese head of Rio Tinto for 10 years for accepting bribes.


  • The inspection report also highlighted the need for the PSNI to make customer service central to the work of all staff by ensuring "it became embedded in its performance management and development system".

    BBC: Dissident threat and red tape 'hindering police'

  • Assistant U.S. Attorney Andrew Kogan indicated during the federal hearing in Newark that the government planned to make the fight central to its push for a tough sentence, arguing it showed the defendants remain likely to commit violence.

    WSJ: Judge: NJ terror case sentencing will take days

  • Investors are looking for the European Central Bank President to make good on his promise to do whatever is needed to protect the euro, interpreted by most as a signal that the ECB will intervene in bond markets.

    FORBES: Draghi Does Not Please The Markets

  • Second, the European Central Bank took action on Friday in advance of the shocking downgrades on Monday of Spain's banks by Moody's, by relaxing the criteria for the loans that it and Spain's central bank make to Spanish banks.

    BBC: Business

  • He has beautifully engaged his readers to the anarchic situation in Afghanistan and Pakistan as he refers to the successive presidents and Al-Qaeda leaders to make his storey central to the current global unrest in the mountains of Central Asia.

    FORBES: How Greg Mortenson's Defense Takes Cues From Sarah Palin

  • There are risks in these places, of course, but they need to be set against the certainty that rich-world central banks are trying to make savers lose out.

    ECONOMIST: Buttonwood

  • With no need to pay dividends (state firms do not have to make any transfers to central government) and little shareholder pressure to ensure that their investment is cost-effective, Chinese firms went on a capital-spending binge, concentrated in industries such as aluminium, steel, car production and cement.

    ECONOMIST: The frugal giant

  • This survey by the BCCCC helps define which professionals are working to catalyze change, instrumentally redefine company culture and make sustainability central to business strategy.

    FORBES: Who Works In CSR? A New Report Defines The Profession

  • Gannon has a decision to make in central midfield with Jake Livermore having been re-called to Tottenham on Tuesday.

    BBC: Posh boss Jim Gannon hints at further changes

  • And not even the European Union nor the European Central Bank are going to make them stick to it.

    FORBES: The Cyprus Bank Bailout Could Be A Disastrous Precedent: They're Reneging On Government Deposit Insurance

  • Sermons on fiscal and monetary policy ring hollow coming from debt-sodden countries where the central banks print money to make up for the politicians' failures.

    ECONOMIST: Europe

  • The government also removed the protection from the Sure Start budget, leaving them potentially at risk as councils seek to make up losses to their central government grants overall.

    BBC: Free parenting classes trial to run in England

  • Video games have a unique opportunity to tell stories effectively because they put the player inside the shoes of the central character, forcing them to make the decisions that drive the story.

    FORBES: Single Player Matters: Why Not All Games Need to Be 'Social'

  • But even in the euro area, which seems to have least to fear, the outcome would be less happy if central bankers make mistakes and fail to ease policy until it is too late.

    ECONOMIST: When America comes to earth

  • Under a program first launched during the 2008 crisis, the Fed lends dollars to other central banks, which in turn make them available to private banks under their jurisdiction.

    WSJ: EU Banks Seek Dollars From ECB

  • That reality last week triggered a run by dollar depositors on European banks with exposure to government debt prompting the U.S. Federal Reserve to make emergency loans to the European Central bank so it, in turn, could provide dollar liquidity to its member banks.

    FORBES: Greece And The Crisis Of The Governing Elite

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