• While cheaper, this would be at the cost of excluding forest-dependent peoples from the benefits of new streams of carbon finance (or worse, possibly excluding them from forest areas altogether).

    ECONOMIST: Letters

  • The remaining carbon revenues could then finance deficit reduction or other policies.

    FORBES: Could A Carbon Tax Be The Key To Achieving Corporate Tax Reform?

  • The AfDB is helping Africa with its low carbon growth, helping finance 630MW in clean energy in 2011, with plans to double that in 2012.

    CNN: Sponsors

  • Google says it has been carbon neutral since 2007, offsetting its greenhouse gas emissions by signing contracts to purchase renewable energy from wind farms and the like and by buying carbon credits that help finance other green power projects.

    FORBES: Google Reveals Its Carbon Footprint

  • So here is one principle for delegates in Poznan to agree on - the carbon market must be turned into gold, not for carbon traders and financiers, but to finance the world's transition to a low carbon, equitable future.

    BBC: We need to turn carbon into gold

  • London has become the world's largest carbon market mainly thanks to its dominance of high finance.

    ECONOMIST: Carbon-capture technology offers a new use for old assets

  • The carbon markets will certainly not be the only policy mechanism required for us to achieve the environmental objective scientists warn us we need to meet but it can certainly be an effective tool to begin to scale up the finance and investments that will put us on a safer carbon emissions trajectory.

    CNN: Your ask the expert: Carbon trading, part 2

  • It now hosts the world's biggest carbon-trading exchange and has a profitable line in renewable-energy finance.

    ECONOMIST: Renewable energy

  • For its 2012 report, Bloomberg New Energy Finance said that U.S. companies purchased more voluntary carbon offsets than any other country, to support American climate change projects in the absence of a U.S. federal cap and trade scheme.


  • Obama's plans to finance an ambitious clean energy agenda by imposing a de facto carbon-emissions tax in the form of an auction-based cap-and-trade system has set the stage for an epic showdown on Capitol Hill over carbon emissions and energy legislation.

    FORBES: The Climate Change Trap

  • Without such a biodiversity asset, the current best option is to indirectly finance biodiversity through investments in biodiversity-friendly businesses and biodiversity-friendly carbon projects.

    FORBES: Making biodiversity material for investors

  • Carbon-emissions trading is becoming increasingly widespread within the industry, as is carbon off-setting, the latter involving passengers paying a voluntary surcharge to help finance the planting of trees or other green projects and so balance out the environmental damage caused by their journey.

    CNN: Green wing:?can technology make flying more environmentally friendly?

  • The spending on the gas network will also finance spending by the energy firms on raising public awareness about the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning.

    BBC: Ofgem permits ?12 energy bills rise for grid upgrade

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