• This article, Updating the Welfare State: Marriage, the Income Tax, and Social Security in the Age of the New Individualism by Professor Anne Alstott of Yale University proves that.

    FORBES: Time To Eliminate Joint Filing ?

  • In other words, America can indulge its individualism only by setting limits to it.

    ECONOMIST: In love with regulation

  • In a homily at his final Ash Wednesday mass in Saint Peter's basilica earlier in the month, he said the Catholic Church had been "defiled" by internal divisions, and suggested that he had been surrounded by "too much individualism and personal rivalry".

    BBC: Decoding the Papacy: Benedict XVI's cryptic frustration

  • Norman's critique of the welfare state was inspired by a similar belief in individualism.

    ECONOMIST: The unacknowledged giant

  • But the U.S., sticking by its tradition of rugged individualism, held out.

    CNN: A Debt-Threatened Dream

  • IR The two greatest powers to emerge in the past 500 years, the British Empire in 1750-1914 and the modern-day United States, are classic examples of populations driven by the spirit of enterprise and individualism.

    ECONOMIST: Letters | The

  • The teen preference for individualism can also be summed up by today's hottest product-- Apple Computer 's iPod.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The teen preference for individualism can also be summed up by today's hottest product-- Apple Computer 's (nasdaq: AAPL - news - people ) iPod.

    FORBES: Brand Me

  • Asians, however, stick to eternal verities forgotten by western countries in their headlong pursuit of individualism, and their descent into a morass of broken families, drug-taking, promiscuity, mud-slinging and violence.

    ECONOMIST: What would Confucius say now?

  • The good weirdness of the natural birth movement is inevitably overshadowed by the vaccine debate, a debate which weaves together strands of American individualism and radicalism with the inevitability of distrust in a system as diverse and disparate as our own.

    FORBES: Vaccines and the Weird Cultural Landscape of America

  • Individualism, of course, also means doing things that are not ordered by the party or the government.

    ECONOMIST: Bye-bye, Uncle Ho

  • At the same time, politicians promoted the idea of individualism and meritocracy, the theory that one's station in life was best changed by hard work and dedication.

    ECONOMIST: Unfairly, by its snobbish fellow citizens

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