• Since then it has entered into dialogue with her and freed some - but by no means all - political prisoners.

    BBC: Suu Kyi's NLD democracy party to rejoin Burma politics

  • The alternative -- a CPP victory by any and all means available -- would ensure the continuation of strained international relations that are already hobbling economic progress.


  • If you agree with that, by all means, re-elect them.

    CNN: Clinton: Time again to choose a more perfect union

  • The funds gained their moniker for the practice of "hedging" risk by offsetting possible losses with other investments, although -- even more confusingly to the novice -- by no means all hedge funds do this anymore.

    CNN: Peering over the hedge

  • So confident is Milosevic of his political and territorial gains that he is in the process of drafting a new Yugoslav constitution -- designed swiftly to codify the "voluntary" association of Serbian-dominated entities, by means of what might be termed an "All-Union Treaty" for Yugoslavia.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • By all means, close the so-called Enron loophole, which exempts from U.S. regulation energy speculators who make trades electronically.

    FORBES: Unilateral Disarmament

  • Let us, by all means, impose these suggested restrictions -- but don't expect them to accomplish anything if the goal is reduced gun violence.

    ECONOMIST: America��s gun laws

  • By all means, make whatever changes year-end strategies apply, but be aware that whatever happens next year might render your decisions less desirable or even detrimental.

    FORBES: Year End Tax Planning: Cash Flow is King

  • "They were able to get their man on an American plane on an American soil so it is successful by all means, " said Mustafa Al-Ani at the Gulf Research Center.

    CNN: Report: New bin Laden tape emerges

  • Let it be clear up front that it is well worth considering the President's remarks today in full - by all means simply watch them in their entirety above or read the full transcript.

    WHITEHOUSE: Share This Post

  • Notable exception: If you have a pic that shows Jack White in between you two because you spotted him on the Lower East Side and stopped him even though he was obviously wearing a hat and trying to blend in -- by all means, make it your profile photo.

    CNN: Hey, you two, dial it back just a little

  • This breakdown is by no means a blanket timeline for all women from 22-25 years old.

    FORBES: The Thing About 20-Somethings

  • By all means breath a sigh of relief that America's drama-addicted politicians didn't plunge their own country and the rest of the world into uncertain, choppy economic waters.

    BBC: Shoving the battle down the road

  • If you care about justice and security, you have a duty to do all you can to advance or protect them by any legitimate means - to be ready to pay the price of your fine words.

    BBC: NEWS | UK | Archbishop's address in full

  • The Bernanke Fed has been characterized by an aggressive attack on Treasury yields through all possible means: zero-bound interest rates with a pledge to keep them at record-lows for years to come, purchases of Treasuries and mortgage-backed securities through several programs of quantitative easing (QE), and a maturity extension program dubbed Operation Twist that should push longer-term rates even lower.

    FORBES: Romney's Defeat Means Treasuries May Fall Below 1.5% On Fiscal Cliff And Bernanke

  • This means that all of the waste generated by each of these landfill-free facilities is recycled, reused or turned into energy.

    FORBES: 52% of GM facilities are landfill-free

  • The limited parliamentary timetable - and the time it takes for large bills to pass through examination by committees in the Commons and Lords - usually means that not all desired measures can be included.

    BBC: NEWS | UK | UK Politics | What is the Queen's Speech?

  • By all means, many believe, an enlarged and more representative civil society - ideally a larger, wider group of people from all over the country, not just a bunch of well meaning lawyers and activists from Delhi - should be putting pressure on a stubborn government to act against corruption.

    BBC: Can civil society win India's corruption battle?

  • Paragon has all the luxury brands favored by tai-tais, privileged ladies of means.

    FORBES: Just the ticket

  • This debate is by no means over, since all the elements that could allow a significant cost-benefit analysis are not yet available.


  • But Graham Allen, the Labour MP who is chairman of the committee, said the proposed package of changes was far-reaching and should be considered by all parties in the run-up to the next election as a means of "revitalising local democracy".

    BBC: Commuters in London

  • Among many Russians, by no means all of them Communists, suspicion of American motives runs too deep for even a finely-crafted oration to root it out.

    ECONOMIST: Russia and the United States

  • "This is work by artists who were influenced by the fact that they were African-Americans living in America and dealing with all that that means, " he argues.

    FORBES: Black Market

  • All shows must be vetted for content by a censorship board, which means politics is still a no-go area.

    CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Television: Uncanned Laughter

  • The fact that the port is closed means all supplies must arrive by air, said Patrick McCormick, emergency communications officer for the non-governmental organization.

    CNN: Limited cyclone aid begins moving

  • "Money is still seeking the relative safety of blue chips, and it is by no means a sign of great investor confidence, " says John Schloegel, an analyst at All-Star Fund Trader.

    FORBES: Dow's Strength Spooks Chartists

  • Indeed there are a variety of things the Americans - with or without key allies - might do, but all involve varying degrees of risk and are by no means certain to alter the situation in Syria for the better.

    BBC: Syria presents tough choices for Obama

  • The waltz is sacred to Viennese high society, and rules are so strict that if you want to take part in any of the exclusive opening balls, a mastery of the Viennese waltz reverse turn (which for non-dance folk means, basically, to the left) is required by all ball committees.

    BBC: Finding your rhythm in Vienna

  • The "one size fits all" design worked well in our ears -- it wasn't a snug fit by any means, but we didn't fear that they'd fall to the ground with the slightest movement.

    ENGADGET: Apple EarPods hands-on Mobile

  • India's current five-year plan, the tenth (reform has by no means done away with all vestiges of socialism), began in April 2002 and aims at a further increase in the annual average growth rate, to 8%, the minimum needed to provide jobs for a growing population.

    ECONOMIST: India's economy is revving up

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