• The pills she was given inhibited her sexually, although she did make some willful but unsatisfactory attempts to sleep with other men, including me.

    NEWYORKER: Clara

  • The assessments in Friday's report were similar to those the White House made in July in which the Iraqi government showed satisfactory gains in eight areas but was unsatisfactory in eight others.

    CNN: White House report shows meager gains in Iraq

  • The 23-page classified report will conclude the Iraqi government is making "satisfactory" progress on about half of the benchmarks identified by Congress but "unsatisfactory" progress on the rest, including political reform and a plan for sharing oil revenue, sources familiar with the report told CNN on Wednesday.

    CNN: GOP senators increasingly demanding changes to war strategy

  • But this was unsatisfactory, and the NOs eventually got the upper hand.


  • This has been done, but it is unsatisfactory because in a cross-country comparison many other things vary along with political institutions: it is impossible to isolate the effect of political arrangements on happiness.

    ECONOMIST: Happiness is a warm vote

  • England have plenty of time to regroup and progress, but this was an unsatisfactory night for Capello and his players.

    BBC: England 1-1 USA

  • But the settlement is unsatisfactory in several ways.

    ECONOMIST: Merrill Lynch

  • Mr Stannard argues that mankind is living at a special time when it can contemplate the failure of its most successful attempt yet to understand the universe, but this is as unsatisfactory as arguing there is something special about the universe that allows mankind to exist.

    ECONOMIST: A counterblast to Stephen Hawking

  • President Bush predicted that those who want to pull out of Iraq will point to the unsatisfactory report card, but he reiterated that this was a preliminary report and that a more comprehensive assessment would come in mid-September.

    NPR: White House Releases Iraq Report

  • They were not responsible for his death but the handling of his case was unsatisfactory, a case review says.

    BBC: Homeless man dead in Harrogate hotel room for four days

  • Mr Byrne said he has written to the Department looking for answers but said the department's response was unsatisfactory.

    BBC: Anger as Strabane loses out on government department

  • Irresponsibility might seem to moralists an unsatisfactory condition for an adult, but in practice it can be a huge relief.

    ECONOMIST: Being foreign

  • His fiction was immature but promising, extolling male bonding while describing unsatisfactory love affairs between his male and female characters.

    ECONOMIST: French writers

  • Lord Strathclyde told him the costs were dependent on a number of variables, but Lord Grocott said this was an "unsatisfactory" answer.

    BBC: No plan for more peers, says Lords leader

  • It was an unsatisfactory result for the Sky Blues but it moves them one point closer to safety while North End remain two places above them in 14th.

    BBC: Sport - Football - Coventry 1-1 Preston

  • But these reasons are, upon consideration, unsatisfactory.

    FORBES: Why Is Obama's State Department Uneasy About Democracy?

  • But we should certainly avoid heavy investment in an unsatisfactory system determined by the constraints of an unsatisfactory treaty.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • The compromise they have come up with may be unsatisfactory to zealots on either side, but they can live with it, and they have convinced themselves that it is right for the country.

    ECONOMIST: Tony Blair and Gordon Brown are friends again. Really

  • But Rubio also left himself a way out if compromises yield an unsatisfactory bill.

    WSJ: Lawmakers ready to unveil immigration deal

  • The board said Transportation Department officials were in the process of shutting down Sky Express at the time of the crash but had given the company an extra 10 days to appeal an unsatisfactory safety rating.

    WSJ: Bus driver to serve 6 years for deadly Va. Crash

  • But if the inspectors can continue their work, theirs is the least unsatisfactory way of dealing with Saddam.

    ECONOMIST: Saddam again | The

  • He questioned why Mr. Bloomberg has waited so long to try to fire teachers with two straight years of an "unsatisfactory" rating, a power the administration has always had but left up to principals' discretion.

    WSJ: City Moving to Strengthen Teacher Pool

  • The court papers state she was interviewed in August 2011 for selection to the panel of candidates for the council elections but received feedback saying that some of the answers to the questions were "unsatisfactory".

    BBC: Anna Dyer

  • Were great at preaching to other countries about the virtues of free markets, but we arent always willing to take our own advice -- even when we see what an unsatisfactory situation socialized medicine has created in other countries.

    FORBES: Bad medicine

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