• Such judgements then become the principles which the next set of cases are then judged by and thus is a legal system built which allows huge freedom of action but also a vast repertoire of knowledge about what has been tried before yet found wanting.

    FORBES: The International Economics of the City of London

  • Thus, the Bolshoi simulation models not just how the minority of the visible universe of stars, gas, and dust evolved but also how the vast majority of the invisible universe evolved.

    FORBES: Connect

  • But it had also dislodged vast chunks of ice from around the Pole and they had drifted south into our path.

    BBC: The 'big melt' at the roof of the world

  • But Huffpo also has a vast army of bloggers 9, 000 is the number that gets thrown around, though the number of active current contributors is surely much lower who for years have been churning out what is undeniably original content.

    FORBES: The Real Value of the Huffington Post's Blogs

  • But the vast cosmopolitan oasis also serves as a unique portal to a fascinating past.

    BBC: Europe��s largest capital park

  • Its large screen will make it an attractive e-reader and video player, but it will also inherit a vast array of games and other software from the iPhone.

    ECONOMIST: Tablet computing

  • "We know that these people act in the name of Islam, but we also know that the vast and overwhelming majority of Muslims here and abroad are decent, law abiding people, " he said.

    CNN: Investigators pick through London carnage

  • It reveals itself to the Warren Miller crew not only as a mountain vista viewed through groves of palms and pomegranates from the valley floor in Marrakech, but also as great cirques and vast skiable terrain in the High Atlas itself.

    CNN: Moroccan multisport

  • No matter what critics may say, Europe, including its central and Eastern parts and despite the crisis, is now a vast, stable but also the richest economic area where people enjoy much better living conditions than those of most other parts of the world.

    FORBES: Europe : Getting The Nobel Peace Prize And Preparing For The Nobel Prize In Economics?

  • We needed to do some vast computing, but I also saw a lot of other workloads that could benefit from this.

    FORBES: Open-Source Solves Big-Data Problems: Talking to 'Mr. Hadoop,' Doug Cutting

  • To say job creation is a key issue in the 2012 Presidential Election is a vast understatement, but we also know that in normal times there are issues with government statistics.

    FORBES: Early Job Creation Signs Not Good for October

  • This is largely due to the first problem of too many middle men, but it also has to do with the vast web of protections on medical manufacturers, pharmaceutical companies, and so forth.

    FORBES: Why America Needs To Be An Innovation Nation

  • According to a number of policy makers, the aim is not just to tackle corruption among the political elite -- famed for its ability to extract and squirrel away vast sums -- but also to make its members less vulnerable to foreign influence.

    CNN: Putin decree targets elite's foreign assets

  • In one sense, the widespread piracy is actually an argument for a bill like SOPA, but it also points out just how difficult policing the vast numbers of people downloading illegal files might be.

    FORBES: Members of Congress Download A Lot of Illegal Torrents

  • These frivolous calculations illustrate the vast scale of China's reserves but also the great difficulty it faces in diversifying them.

    ECONOMIST: Window-shopping with China��s central bank

  • But, experts say, it also allows Indians to launder vast amounts of untaxed wealth by sending their illegal cash to Mauritius, then "round-tripping" it back to India in the form of legal investments.

    NPR: In India, Dodging Taxes Is Part Of The Game

  • And that's just a fundamental difference in view that until Republicans in the House, in particular, but also in the Senate, accept the wisdom of the vast majority of the American people, of the bipartisan commissions that have looked at this, there's going to be a conflict.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • But there were also high hopes, fuelled by the thought of vast quantities of underused brainpower and raw materials that were now joining the world economy.

    ECONOMIST: A survey of Russia

  • On the menu in a smart restaurant in Yaounde, one can find beef and pork - but also snake, pangolin and monkey - all products of a vast bushmeat trade that has now become the single biggest threat to wildlife in central Africa.

    BBC: Keeping Cameroon's primates from the pot

  • But we'd also be the first to admit that GPS has vast potential for abuse in the wrong hands, and by this, we mean of course, government and law-enforcement agencies.

    ENGADGET: Police can add GPS to your car without you knowing

  • That assumption may be worth re-examining, not only because China's vast state apparatus shows little interest in shedding control but also because some Western markets are starting to look a bit more like China's.

    ECONOMIST: Chinese financial scandals: When it matters | The

  • The people of this vast but remote country in the heart of South America will also vote on the fate of prefects or governors who lead eight states.

    NPR: Bolivian Referendum Reveals Sharp Divisions

  • To illustrate the desperate need for culturally and linguistically appropriate assistance, when KRC first started a Korean language hotline, we received a vast number of calls and not just from within California but also from Nevada, even from Virginia!

    WHITEHOUSE: Champions of Change Blog

  • But you know what, I am also betting that the majority the vast majority of responsible, law-abiding gun owners would be some of the first to say that we should be able to keep an irresponsible, law-breaking few from buying a weapon of war.

    WHITEHOUSE: Our Top Stories

  • That's a tribute to Mr. Verhoeven's virtuosity as an action director, but it's also why the action eventually obliterates any traces of irony in this vast, elegantly executed enterprise that was financed by two studios, Sony's TriStar and Disney's Touchstone.

    WSJ: -

  • But it also has a fast processor, a brilliant screen plus four separate radios for tapping the vast majority of 2G, 3G and 3.5G networks around the world.

    ECONOMIST: The competition this time will be a lot stiffer

  • The vast majority, it appears, are of Pakistani descent, but there're also Bangladeshis, North Africans, and at least one who was indigenous English who converted to Islam awhile ago.

    NPR: Inside the British Probe of the Terrorist Plot

  • The data from the 2011 census showed the vast majority of Manchester's residents used English as their main language, but also reported significant numbers using either Urdu, Polish, Arabic, Farsi, Somali, Panjabi or Bengali as their first tongue.

    BBC: Census data on languages in Manchester is 'way out'

  • In the week beginning 24th August, over 700, 000 discussions or shares of the trial and its protagonists were distributed on the web, the vast majority of them on Twitter but with a significant number (58, 000) also in public Facebook posts.

    FORBES: Connect

  • They also favor naval power, but ships take a much longer time than planes to get places in the vast expanses of the Western Pacific, and the Navy has little in the way of long-range aircraft.

    FORBES: Air Force Positions For Resurgence In Pacific Era

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