• The strongest support for Mr Mandela's peace plan comes from the predominantly Hutu Burundian Democratic Front (Frodebu).

    ECONOMIST: Burundi

  • South Africa is perceived as favourable to Burundian President Pierre Buyoya, while Tanzania tends to back the FDD.

    BBC: Ceasefire call at Burundi talks

  • Burundian officials say that Rwanda's Hutu militiamen, the interahamwe, were responsible for much of the recent killing around Bujumbura.

    ECONOMIST: Burundi: Murder and manhunts | The

  • The pact of 2000 owed more to Nelson Mandela's patient mediation than to the Burundian elite's own desire for peace.

    ECONOMIST: Burundi's peace process: On a knife edge | The

  • Tanzania is home to hundreds of thousands of Burundian refugees, some of whom use their camps from which to attack Burundi.

    BBC: Hopes rise for Burundi talks

  • South Africa has sent 750 troops to guard peace-favouring Burundian politicians, who are otherwise liable to be murdered by their less reasonable countrymen.

    ECONOMIST: Burundi's peace process: On a knife edge | The

  • Mr Mandela said the Burundi Government had a responsibility "to defend and protect the Burundian population, and not just a given part of it".

    BBC: Burundi pledges to close 10 camps

  • Talks last month between the Burundian government and some of the main rebel groups failed to make any headway, and fighting has been intensifying in recent weeks.

    BBC: African leaders warn Burundi rebels

  • The 4, 000 or so Ugandan and Burundian peacekeepers now propping up the shaky government under the aegis of the African Union (AU) are increasingly targeted by suicide-bombers.

    ECONOMIST: Jihadists attack Somalia

  • One movement, the Mai Mai, is made up of local ethnic groups and links up with former Rwandan soldiers, former Zairean army soldiers and some Burundian Hutus.

    ECONOMIST: The Hutu-Tutsi divide

  • Because of the importance of peace in Somalia I can announce that Britain will help pay for 850 Burundian troops as part of the African Union peacekeeping force.

    BBC: In full: Brown security statement

  • Fighting in eastern Zaire between Tutsi-dominated rebels and Zairian troops has displaced more than one million Rwandan and Burundian refugees and left them cut off from international assistance.

    CNN: AllPolitics - Zaire Mission

  • Yanga signed the Burundian international midfielder last season from Inter FC of Burundi and insist no formal transfer has been made for him to join the Tanzanian champions.

    BBC: SPORT | Football | African | Caf suspends Simba player

  • On the other, Tanzanian businessmen are making money breaking Burundi's sanctions and Burundian Hutus, some of whom hold powerful positions in the Tanzanian state, are helping to supply and arm Hutu militias in Burundi.

    ECONOMIST: The Hutu-Tutsi divide

  • The AU promised 8, 000 troops to control Mogadishu but only 3, 000 Ugandan and Burundian peacekeepers pitched up, and then only to protect a few key installations, while other parts of Mogadishu became ever more anarchic.

    ECONOMIST: Ethiopia and Somalia

  • With Ugandan and Burundian soldiers propping up the Somali government in the capital, Mogadishu, it is perhaps not surprising that Somali officials have been reluctant to admit that Kenyan troops have crossed the border to fight.

    BBC: Kenya's incursion into Somalia raises the stakes

  • Zanaco, who lost 1-0, submitted their protest after another Tanzanian side Yanga SC - archrivals of Simba - wrote a protest letter to Caf that Simba had used the Burundian player, who was still contracted to them.

    BBC: SPORT | Football | African | Caf suspends Simba player

  • The last time I was here, we were embedded in the Green Zone security bubble of the African Union peacekeeping operation at the edge of the Somali capital, with its Ugandan and Burundian troops, its heavy mortars and armoured convoys.

    BBC: Welcome to tough, unpredictable Mogadishu

  • But in recent weeks it has still managed to pull off a string of spectacular attacks in Mogadishu, culminating in the ambush and elimination of an entire Burundian peacekeeping platoon, which, despite official denials, appears to have caused the death of more than 60 soldiers.

    BBC: A lot to lose - Kenya's Somali gambit

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