• She called an anti-discrimination law a bureaucratic nightmare, but accepted it as part of a political deal.

    ECONOMIST: Almost a year on, the wheels seem to be falling off

  • Your "How to cure health care" chapter and the application of Gammons law of bureaucratic displacement makes that point very strongly.

    FORBES: How To Solve The Health Care Crisis

  • Until genuine free-market economic reforms -- including low taxes, sound money, the rule of law and bureaucratic noninterference in the creation and running of businesses -- become the policies and practices of the IMF, we should not throw away more taxpayer dollars.

    FORBES: Fact and Comment

  • Instead, the argument the president effectively made in the government's complaint is that the federal agencies in charge of immigration have chosen not to enforce the immigration laws passed by Congress and this bureaucratic decision to ignore the law should preempt Arizona's decision to protect its law abiding citizens who are assaulted daily by the violent crime that has followed illegal immigration.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • If she, however, manages to find empowered bureaucratic talent to focus on governance and law and order, she could very well turn out to be the chief minister West Bengal so badly needs.

    FORBES: India

  • But what tech czar Kendall sees is that cyber threats morph too fast for the deliberative procedures of the current military development system, and they hopscotch across geographical and bureaucratic boundaries in a way that no conventional law-enforcement agency could match.

    FORBES: Pentagon Tech Chief Points To Big Problem In Protecting Networks

  • In the weeks since Newtown, LaPierre has been the ever-present public face of gun-rights forces, shuttling between speeches, hearing rooms and TV studios to forcefully reject proposals for tighter gun controls as misguided ideas that will do nothing to stop criminals and everything to tangle law-abiding citizens in a bureaucratic nightmare.

    NPR: NRA's LaPierre: Wonk With Million-Dollar Megaphone

  • For example, Turkish mining law is investment-friendly, as there is little bureaucratic control, an easy permitting process, and lower fees, and allows broader activities for companies involved in mining gold, copper and boron.

    FORBES: Small Caps Are The Rocket Stocks Of Emerging Markets

  • But for a century efforts to reform libel law thoroughly have foundered on a combination of lawyerly self-interest, bureaucratic timidity and a quiet belief among many lawmakers that the media is already too careless with other people's reputations (not least with politicians' good names).

    ECONOMIST: England��s strict libel laws face a shake-up

  • We still have to implement the law, and we have to implement it in a smart and non-bureaucratic way.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and Vice President Biden Address National Governors Association | The White House

  • My guess is that because Russia, and before it the USSR (and you can include most of eastern Europe, too), never really experienced bureaucratic (as opposed to patrimonial) state formation processes, the institutional outcomes (weak rule of law, corruption, etc) should be no surprise.

    FORBES: Lessons from Slovakia on Market Transition and the Difficulty of Eliminating Corruption

  • This would be far more constructive than championing the CWC, a costly, highly bureaucratic mess of a treaty that, by its patent ineffectiveness, makes a mockery of arms control and international law.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Blowing Smoke About Making Deadly Gas

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