• Yes, the children of Israel have returned to "to their own border"- to the Land of Israel-and the long history of Moroccan Jewry is a special part of Israel's unique saga, achieved with much tears, pain, and suffering, but also with joy and hope, and great expectations over the ages.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • The border between Israel and a new Palestine would follow the pre-1967 line, with adjustments to accommodate some of the bigger border-hugging Israeli settlements in the West Bank, and land-swaps to compensate the Palestinians for those adjustments.

    ECONOMIST: The United States, Israel and the Arabs

  • By this week about 45, 000 distraught Albanians spent several days in an increasingly squalid patch of no-man's-land at the border without shelter, food or sanitation.

    ECONOMIST: The refugees

  • Abbas says he won't return to negotiations without an Israeli construction freeze, arguing that Israel's building on war-won land pre-empts the outcome of talks on a border between Israel and a future state of Palestine.

    NPR: Palestinians Cool To Partial Settlement Freeze

  • Fifteen Palestinian villages, with 13, 600 people, are squeezed into a no-man's-land between the old border and the barricade, not allowed to enter Israel and increasingly unable to reach their lands, businesses and families in the West Bank.

    ECONOMIST: Israel's security barricade

  • Germany, of course, is nearer to Poland than Britain is - it shares a long land border, so migrants can return and spend more easily.

    BBC: Germany expects influx of Polish workers

  • These NGOs proposed that Canada, Australia and some European Union countries take the residents of two smaller camps, one inside Syria and another in a no man's land at the Iraq-Syria border crossing.

    FORBES: Freedom's Edge

  • Brackenhill became the most southerly outpost of the "border reivers" - outlaws operating on the outskirts of land patrolled by the monarch's men.

    BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Cumbria | Lotto cash saves endangered tower

  • Its peace policy is now hardly distinguishable from that of Kadima or indeed Meretz: a two-state solution based on the 1967 border, with land swaps and the retention of the bigger Jewish settlement blocks, as outlined by Mr Barak when he was prime minister from 1999-2001.

    ECONOMIST: The party of the old establishment is dying under Ehud Barak

  • So his departure could hurt the chances of resolving the Arab-Kurdish dispute over land and oil in the border region around Kirkuk, a city and province which the Kurds say is theirs.

    ECONOMIST: Iraq��s Kurdish election

  • Farmers soak up about 85% of the border region's scarce water, and on the semi-arid land on both sides they grow thirsty cash crops like sugar cane.


  • Things are rocking north of the border for the EV-DO crowd, so here's hoping they land here soon, and yes, we're looking at you Sprint and Verizon.

    ENGADGET: Telus launches the HTC P3050 "Touch" and HTC S640 Mobile

  • The land border between Venezuela and Colombia has long been the scene of tensions: drug-trafficking, smuggling and other annoyances all seem to flourish there.

    ECONOMIST: Venezuela

  • Pakistan has so far refused to open the border, forcing refugees to wait in a 200-metre strip of no-man's-land between the two countries.

    BBC: Refugees force their way into Pakistan

  • The Palestinians' core demand is that the future border between Israel and Palestine be based on the pre-1967 Mideast War lines, with modifications through land swaps.

    NPR: Bush Pushes Middle East Peace Talks

  • The UNHCR says tighter border controls at sea, with Mediterranean countries co-ordinating their efforts, have simply shifted the problem of illegal migration to the Greek land border.

    BBC: Germany sounds alarm on migrants in Greece

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