• In 1950, U.S. President Harry Truman announced he had ordered the development of the hydrogen bomb.

    CNN: Saturday,

  • The computer helped crunch some of the numbers needed to build the first hydrogen bomb.

    CNN: Gore re-boots ENIAC

  • Still, his opposition to the hydrogen bomb earned him powerful enemies, and his politics gave them the ammunition to destroy him.

    ECONOMIST: Robert Oppenheimer

  • In 1958 Edward Teller, a creator of the hydrogen bomb, suggested using nuclear explosions to dig a harbor near Cape Thompson, Alaska.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Kennan, whose writings gave birth to the theory of nuclear deterrence, argued passionately but futilely against the development of the hydrogen bomb.

    WHITEHOUSE: VP Biden: The Path to Nuclear Security

  • That is, it announced that it is developing a hydrogen bomb.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: South Korea, North Korea, Israel & Iran

  • And the perfectly sensible reason why it didn't, he added, was the old Maxim-gun jingle: the Russians have got the hydrogen bomb and the Serbs have not.

    ECONOMIST: Whichever way the wind blows

  • The recent tests were done with devices involving "pure fission, " "boosted fission" and "thermonuclear" (implying a hydrogen bomb) processes, which are on the cutting edge of nuclear technology.


  • After the unmasking of Fuchs through the Venona decrypts, Moscow planned to impede the development of a Western hydrogen bomb by casting doubt on the loyalty of key scientists.

    ECONOMIST: History of espionage: Dark secrets | The

  • In 1967, China exploded its first hydrogen bomb.

    CNN: Wednesday,

  • When weapons designers have an idea to boost the yield from a small amount of plutonium, or come up with a faster way to fuse atoms in a hydrogen bomb, they build a prototype for testing.

    CNN: ASIANOW - Asiaweek

  • After the Soviet Union broke America's atomic monopoly in 1949, several prominent scientists and politicians favoured the development of the hydrogen bomb, a fusion weapon hundreds of times more powerful than the bombs that the Manhattan Project had built.

    ECONOMIST: Robert Oppenheimer

  • Acting alone, gravity would cause stars to collapse completely, but as long as energy is produced at their centers by nuclear fusion (the joining of atomic nuclei to form new elements, as in a hydrogen bomb), the star is heated and puffed up.

    CNN: Why gamma-ray burst shocked scientists

  • The revamped programme soon began to hit its stride though and became a permanent fixture in the BBC's schedules, with programmes on a wide range of events and issues, including the hydrogen bomb, the Suez crisis, the Hungarian uprising and those 1950s perennials - race and immigration.

    BBC: The Panorama decades

  • Rauf described how the duo then began purchasing bomb components, including hydrogen peroxide in gardening stores, hexamine in camping stove fuel and citric acid, which was easily available.

    CNN: Documents give new details on al Qaeda's London bombings

  • For example, attempts to buy large amounts of fertilizer or other ingredients -- such as hydrogen peroxide -- used in bomb-making are often relayed to law enforcement agencies.

    CNN: France asks: Were warnings missed on Toulouse killer?

  • Rauf wrote that Haji arranged for a trainer called Marwan Suri to provide bomb-making training using hexamine peroxide detonators and hydrogen peroxide.

    CNN: Documents give new details on al Qaeda's London bombings

  • In a 2009 plot to bomb the New York City subway system, suspect Najibullah Zazi was able to purchase significant quantities of hydrogen peroxide, which he hoped to distill to a higher concentration that would make an effective bomb.

    WSJ: FBI Uses 'Tripwires' to Catch Bomb Makers

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