• Scientology postulates that every person is a Thetan an immortal spiritual being that lives through countless lifetimes.

    NEWYORKER: The Apostate

  • Most think of him as a spiritual being, whose appearance before man is meant to convey some kind of message.

    BBC: On the trail with Bigfoot-hunters

  • Patients who had a spiritual discussion reported being more satisfied with their overall care, whether or not they said they had desired it.

    WSJ: Hospital Chaplains Seek Bigger Roles on Patient Medical Teams

  • Uphold the right of all, without discrimination, to a natural and social environment supportive of human dignity, bodily health, and spiritual well-being, with special attention to the rights of indigenous peoples and minorities.

    UNESCO: Understanding sustainable development

  • He is responsible for the spiritual and ideological well-being of 1.3 billion Chinese (a flock that, in status-obsessed China, would make him 30% more powerful than the Pope of Catholicism).

    CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | China: Inside China's Search for Its Soul

  • In the final scene, where Scottie faces reality and determines at the risk of spiritual death to "stop being haunted, " the love theme and the illusions it represents are ripped into ugly scraps.

    NPR: 'Hitchcock's Music' Scores Big on Suspense

  • The monks wear ritual clothing and use hand gestures and various musical instruments while praying for the spiritual and moral well-being of the people, for purification and peace of mind, to appease the wrath of evil spirits or to invoke the blessing of various Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, deities and rinpoches.


  • The Tibetan spiritual leader's moderation is being challenged by a new generation at odds with his willingness to accept Tibetan autonomy within China rather than push for full independence.

    CNN: The story

  • Point being, unless Man of Steel really connects on a spiritual level, Iron Man 3 is arguably poised to be the top domestic release (and likely worldwide too) of summer 2013.

    FORBES: Review: 'Iron Man 3' Is Best Comic Book-Inspired 'Part 3' Movie Ever

  • Chopra, 29, is the daughter of the well-being guru Deepak Chopra, who has an enormous following from his spiritual self-help books, which include Ageless Body, Timeless Mind.

    FORBES: Paternity test

  • "Jonathan wanted to make a film about Jamaica and Rastafari and it was very spiritual, " says Kevin Macdonald, who wound up being the third and final director after Chris Blackwell, the founder of Mr. Marley's record label, Island Records, suggested that Mr. Bing give him a call.

    WSJ: Making a Bob Marley Movie

  • The idea is that holiness, "being a saint, " is not just the province of a few spiritual athletes, but is the universal destiny of every Christian.

    NPR: A Glimpse Inside a Catholic 'Force': Opus Dei

  • Studies indicate as many as 40% of patients with serious illnesses like cancer struggle with spiritual concerns, which can harm emotional and physical well-being, says George Fitchett, research director in the Department of Religion, Health and Human Values at Rush University Medical Center Chicago.

    WSJ: Hospital Chaplains Seek Bigger Roles on Patient Medical Teams

  • In a more immediate, though more oblique, threat to Mr Barak's political well-being, the attorney-general recently ordered the police to investigate Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, spiritual leader of the traditionalist Shas party, for publicly cursing Yossi Sarid, the education minister and leader of the secularist Meretz party.

    ECONOMIST: Israel

  • This diverse but well-connected group have the advantage being able to invest in innumerable for-profit Christian businesses around the world that seek to achieve spiritual and social aims.

    FORBES: Christian Investors Get Patient With Their Capital

  • As environmentally minded clerics, and greens with a spiritual bent, confer in increasing numbers, in particular over climate change, acquaintances are being struck that transcend many ethnic, ideological and theological obstacles.

    ECONOMIST: Religion and climate change

  • Performers are always male, with female roles being played by men, and most are amateurs who gain their living through other means but perform for spiritual rewards.

    UNESCO: Intangible Cultural Heritage

  • While the response from spiritual leader Ayatollah Khamanei and President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad seems vague at first glance, experts argue the regime is being quite conciliatory, even flirting with the U.S. overtures and opening the door for talks.

    CNN: Obama administration opens door for Iran

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