• ' And it's a very hard thing for 47 to learn, because he believes that he's property.

    NPR: Walter Mosley: A Slave's Flight to Freedom in '47'

  • He has usually favored Apple products, however, because he believes that they are designed for average users.

    NEWYORKER: Critical Mass

  • Shih's focus is environmental education, in part because he believes that Taiwan's rapid industrialization damaged its land and water.

    FORBES: Feature

  • Because he believes that more losses are commodity to the raw materials market, he advises staying on the sidelines.

    FORBES: 2012 Outlook: Economic Slowdown Could Pinch Demand For Some Commodities

  • Mr Sharon is pushing his plan because he believes that it will protect Israel from external pressure for a deeper compromise.

    ECONOMIST: The settler lobby takes up arms against its former patron

  • Dietzen chose these investors because he believes that they bring important capabilities from companies like VMWare and Data Domain to Pure Storage.

    FORBES: Pure Storage To Grab $20 Billion Storage Market With Flash

  • Barack fought for these reforms because he believes that here in America, no one should ever go broke just because of an accident or an illness.

    WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the First Lady at a Campaign Event

  • Its chairman, Ed Jenkins, has been running a rearguard action against plans to harmonise international accounting standards, because he believes that standards overseas are not tough enough.

    ECONOMIST: Draining the pool

  • And understand that Barack fought for these reforms because he believes that here in America, no one should ever go broke just because of an accident or an illness.

    WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the First Lady at a Campaign Event

  • Dr Shetty has devoted much of his energy to boosting his customer base, largely for humanitarian reasons but also because he believes that higher volumes lead to better quality.

    ECONOMIST: The charms of frugal innovation

  • See, and that's why he cut taxes for small businesses and for working families because he believes that in America, teachers and firefighters should not pay higher tax rates than millionaires and billionaires.

    WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the First Lady at a Campaign Event

  • As you know, the President called for a reorganization of the government in his State of the Union address because he believes that government should be retooled to meet the needs of the 21st century.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • And he, in that process, insists on diversity on the lists that he considers for the job because he believes that in casting a broader net, you increase the excellence of the pool of potential nominees for these positions.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney,

  • Despite the calls in Washington for some sort of sanctions, Mr Bush is still backing Russia's bid to join the WTO because he believes that having to live by its rules will strengthen the rule of law in Russia.

    ECONOMIST: Candid words on Russia's drift from democracy | The

  • The President is doing this because he believes that this is the right thing to do for our country -- to have a health care and health insurance network that works not just for health insurance companies but works for average, everyday working Americans.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Suleman sees a big opportunity for Achievers because he believes that only 1% of the potential market for employee rewards and recognition software has been tapped, and he thinks Achievers is well-positioned to keep growing quickly by taking market share from competitors in the employee-incentive industry.

    FORBES: Achievers Gets Sequoia's Capital To Boost Employee Engagement

  • The reason why the President is open to bipartisan measures on Social Security solvency is because he believes that Social Security is a sacred trust, that it has been the hallmark of increased dignity for people in retirement for past generations, and he wants it to be for future generations.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Democrats generally do not like and do not support cuts in entitlement programs, and yet this President put forward difficult reforms in entitlement programs because he believes that you have to have a balanced approach, you have to include entitlement reform in any effort to reduce our deficit and bring down our -- reduce our debt.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • That goes to raising the debt ceiling and it goes to some of the -- one of the reasons why the President opposes the Republican budget, House Republican budget, because he believes that it would have a negative impact on seniors and others, and have an overall negative impact on the potential for growth in the economy.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • And that's why the President is so focused on the security, the economic security of the middle class, because he believes that that is, as he said back when he ran for office the first time, for this office in 2008, that the security of the middle class is elemental to his vision of America's economic future.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney,

  • Far worse -- after every single reputable authority said this is a false charge, he put it on television and then doubled down and put more money behind the ad -- because he believes that middle-class people are so scared about their jobs and so uninformed that they will buy any line of bull they see on television.

    WHITEHOUSE: The White House

  • Listen to this: He is fighting for responsible young people who came to this country as children, through no fault of their own, and were raised as Americans -- the only country they know -- because he believes that these young people also deserve the chance to go to college, to contribute to our economy, to serve the country they know and love.

    WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the First Lady at a Campaign Event

  • He decided to stick with the paid strategy, with some in-app purchases to unlock more content, because he said he believes that everything hangs on the quality of the game itself.

    WSJ: Costs Mount for Mobile-Game Launches

  • He promised to build affordable housing and he also spoke about the importance of keeping foreign investments, particularly the Spanish ones, because he rightly believes that they can be a source of employment.


  • And he did it because -- as he believes that here in America there are no second-class citizens in our workplace.

    WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the First Lady at a Campaign Event

  • But he encourages them to look at his proposals, because he believes very strongly that they represent the kind of approach that will both deal with the problem for the medium and long term, and also the kind of approach that is broadly supported by the American people, because it is balanced and fair.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • And so he looks forward to that meeting because he believes we can do it and we are close.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • And he did it because, as he put it, he believes that here in America, there are no second-class citizens in our workplace.

    WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the First Lady at a Campaign Event

  • Your President knows that. (Applause.) And he did it because, as he put it, he believes that here in America there should be no second-class citizens in our workplaces.

    WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the First Lady at a Campaign Event

  • Mr. Mongeluzo says he has always offered his employees health benefits, in part because he believes it helps with retention, and he stresses that turnover at his firm is low.

    WSJ: How 3 Small Firms Are Coping With Health Law

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