• Separatists in Pakistan, notably the Baluchis and perhaps even Pushtuns, might also grow more active if war ended next door.

    ECONOMIST: Pakistan and India

  • It, in turn, was replaced by tribal Baluchis, whom Persians tend to look on with distaste, partly for their reputation as traffickers of drugs.

    ECONOMIST: Now wait for the political tremors

  • Over the years, Iranian regime opponents - from the students to the trade unionists to women's rights activists to minority Kurds, Azeris, Ahwaz Arabs and Baluchis - have all appealed to Israel for support.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Israel's rare opportunity

  • Whether through international defense contractors or covert operatives working for any country, arms can be easily smuggled to various disaffected minorities from the Azeris to the Kurds, the Baluchis the Ahwaz Arabs, and the Baha'is.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Numbering the days of dictators

  • If they are busy quelling armed insurrections by Kurds or Azeris or Baluchis, they will have less time to devote to negotiating the purchase of the S-300 anti-aircraft system with Russia, or keeping tabs on their nuclear scientists.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Israel's rare opportunity

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