• Dr Swade said that a researcher would also be needed to decipher Babbage's drawings and nomenclature.

    BBC: Campaign builds to construct Babbage Analytical Engine

  • Just as Babbage had proposed, the machine was employed to calculate astronomical and mathematical tables.

    ECONOMIST: Letters

  • Perhaps the fact that Hollerith is forgotten, while Babbage is remembered, should not be so surprising after all.

    ECONOMIST: Millennium issue

  • That suggests that, even had Babbage succeeded, a Victorian computer revolution based on mechanical technology would not necessarily have followed.

    ECONOMIST: The world��s latest computer

  • IR You repeat the standard claim that Babbage's ill-fated attempt to build a computer cost a fortune and was eventually abandoned.

    ECONOMIST: Letters

  • So much for the suggestion that the information age would have been jump-started had Babbage succeeded in seducing Parliament yet again.

    ECONOMIST: Letters

  • To Babbage, the printer was a vital part of the design.

    ECONOMIST: The world��s latest computer

  • On the Babbage platform 55 miles off the east coast they produce enough gas in a day to fill the Olympic Stadium in London four times over.

    BBC: Offshore workers still get tea and cake at three

  • Modern computerisation projects, in contrast, tend to have far more in common with Babbage's ill-fated attempt to build a mechanical computer, which cost a fortune and was eventually abandoned.

    ECONOMIST: Millennium issue

  • It is a nice irony that Babbage's plans should be realised only thanks to an infusion of cash from a man who got rich in the computer revolution that Babbage helped to foment.

    ECONOMIST: The world��s latest computer

  • Allowing for inflation, this is roughly a third of what it might have cost to build in Babbage's day in contrast to the cost of electronic-computer technology, which halves in price every 18 months.

    ECONOMIST: The world��s latest computer

  • The man who ultimately did, Charles Babbage, was as much the Renaissance man as Alberti--he also invented the speedometer, the cowcatcher and the mortality tables that are the basis of today's life insurance.

    FORBES: I've got a secret

  • Mr. Babbage, author of the report, contends that Australia can no longer afford to maintain a military focused mainly on participating in peacekeeping operations, as it is doing in East Timor, and on training foreign military forces, as it is in Afghanistan.

    WSJ: Asia's New Arms Race

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