• Or it could be an attempt to try to hang on to all or part of East Timor.

    ECONOMIST: Who will rescue East Timor?

  • So the purpose served in pursuing this line of questioning is unclear to me beyond an attempt to continue to try to score political points.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Then there was an attempt to try to get a political scalp in the so-called pay-fors that was not a serious attempt to deal with this matter.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • However it was not enough to discourage me, so I went on to persevere in an attempt to try to make the picture as well as I had imagined.

    BBC: Lightning really does strike twice

  • But in an attempt to try to lay upon it some objective boundaries, we threw some numbers into the number-crunching machine to see what came out, to see if we could figure out at least one way of determine the best Super Bowl champ since 2000.

    FORBES: The Best And Worst Super Bowl Champions Of This Century

  • There are two possible responses to it: regulate banks to try to make them safer, and attempt to limit the implicit guarantee.

    ECONOMIST: The financial industry

  • When people attempt to stop their overspending and try to pay off past overspending at the same time and in the fastest manner possible, they set themselves up for trouble.

    FORBES: Why Your Bank Account Needs Its Own Therapist

  • Gritters and snow ploughs were working on the Coast Road in the Baldrine area in an attempt to try and reopen the road.

    BBC: Snow in Port Erin

  • Others think Marquez might be hungrier in this bout in an attempt to try and show the world that he was the rightful winner of the first three fights.

    FORBES: Pacquiao Vs. Marquez 4 Has Legacies And Millions At Stake

  • Mr Griffiths said a last-ditch attempt was being made to try to prevent him from being deported later, with a request for a judicial review.

    BBC: Part of Dover immigration removal centre

  • Ms. EVE GARTNER (Attorney, Planned Parenthood): This is an unprecedented attempt by a state to try to export its restrictive abortion laws beyond its state borders.

    NPR: Missouri Court Hears Case on Abortion Consent

  • In 2012 his successor, Meg Whitman, who ran eBay before an unsuccessful attempt to become California's governor, will try to restore HP's shine.

    ECONOMIST: Bosses to watch in 2012, part 1

  • Labour would probably attempt to amend the motion to require a judicial inquiry - but might also try to re-engineer the joint committee, so that it did not have a government majority.

    BBC: Who judges?

  • They ended the season trophy-less despite an attempt to clear the air by announcing Smith's imminent departure and then try to shore up the morale by - at around this time of the season - unveiling his successor.

    BBC: Chick Young's view

  • With their backs to the wall, the seriously fractured Democratic Party (PD), and Silvio Berlusconi's People of Freedom Party (PDL) decided to bury their ideological differences and will now try to co-operate in a last-ditch attempt to remedy a social and economic crisis that threatened to get out of hand after an indecisive February election.

    BBC: Optimism greets Italy's grand coalition

  • Orthodox priests and specially trained counsellors will be on hand to try to comfort the families as they attempt to identify the dead.

    BBC: A plane's tail fin after crashing near Athens

  • You can bet that Venezuela will try to orchestrate similar troubles in an attempt to bring condemnation to the new Honduran government.

    WSJ: Why Honduras Sent Zelaya Away

  • The FBI investigation is only the latest and most recent attempt by the federal government to try to track what one federal official told CNN was "endemic" corruption on the island.


  • Lead defense attorney Mark O'Mara said he will try to use the evidence if prosecutors attempt to attack Zimmerman's character during his trial on second-degree murder charges, set to begin next month.


  • The elder von Kleist famously traveled to England in 1938, the year before World War II broke out, to try and determine whether other Western nations would support a coup attempt against Hitler, but failed to get the British government to change its policy of appeasement.

    NPR: Last Survivor Of Plot To Kill Hitler Dies At 90

  • "That is separate from an attempt by Republican members of Congress to try to score political points, " he said.

    CNN: Contempt vote inflames Fast and Furious debate

  • Retailers in precarious financial positions often try to ride out the holiday season in an attempt to ring up enough sales to save the business thus the slew of bankruptcy filings in January.

    FORBES: 10 Things You Should Know Before Buying A Gift Card

  • They would hold the ropes, try to stand up on door-like planks and attempt to emulate the ocean surfers that they had seen overseas.

    BBC: Riding the wave of change on Munich��s Eisbach

  • As groups of airlines form alliances to try to gain strength in numbers, BA's attempt to join up with American Airlines was turned down by the US authorities.

    BBC: News | The Company File | BA faces stiff competition

  • The Israelis can wait until Iran obtains nuclear weapons, which it will surely use to try to destroy the Jewish state, or it can attempt to remove them.

    ECONOMIST: Greener energy solutions

  • In an attempt to stave off Arya's decline until something better came along, her parents and doctors decided to try hydroxyurea, an old cancer drug that had been shown to boost levels of the neuron-nourishing protein somewhat in preliminary lab tests.

    FORBES: For Arya

  • Because the vehicles could, say the Greens, be used against Palestinian civilians, they will try to block any attempt to export them to Israel.

    ECONOMIST: Politics in Germany

  • She created a site where people are sharing their itineraries in an attempt to either travel together, meet up with Twitter followers in their cities or try to couch surf at other people's homes.

    CNN: Some travelers push the envelope on all-you-can-jet deal

  • It is something few parliaments around the world would attempt he said, rather they would try to undermine them.

    BBC: Climate change targets debate

  • Try the following exercise: attempt to create an application or site that will reach a majority of internet users without having to worry about one large company standing in your way.

    FORBES: The Internet Is Drowning

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