Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla changed their status with Britain from colony to associated state.
It was all very different from the shabby image associated with state hospitals.
Williamson sits along the Tug Fork River in a part of the state long associated with violence.
The job losses associated with those added state taxes will offset at least some of the job gains coming from the infusion of new federal dollars into a state.
"The government will not allow publication of such objectionable material, " the state-run Associated Press of Pakistan quoted him as saying.
It's a shame that behavioral economics has become associated with ineffectual nanny-state efforts like the big-soda ban, because it's actually a tremendously interesting field of study, one that offers widely applicable insights into human nature.
Indeed, the bottom line for Moscow appears to be the goal of making its military-industrial complex more efficient, achieving higher productivity even as the costs associated with the manufacture of state-of-the-art military hardware are reduced.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Help With Soviet Conversion Is Risky
Failure to account for job losses associated with taxes required to cover state matching funds for the expansion means that job gains are overstated by another 14 percent.
FORBES: Florida's Legislature, Not Its Governor, Will Determine Medicaid Expansion's Fate
These grants help cover eligible costs, on a 75 percent cost share basis, and can reimburse state and local costs associated with personnel and equipment used to combat fires.
Mr Pascoal's gang has been tied to a group in the north-eastern state of Alagoas allegedly associated with Augusto Farias, a congressman whose murdered brother ran the influence-peddling ring that led to the impeachment of Fernando Collor as Brazil's president in 1993.
If the new pension regime has an Achilles heel, it is the state-owned institutions still associated with it.
At least in rhetoric, the Tories stood for rolling back the state, while Labour was associated with nationalisation and trade union rule.
During her four-year tenure, Mrs Clinton visited 112 countries - more than any previous secretary of state, according to the Associated Press news agency.
The group and nearly 200 entertainers connected with it aren't currently registered lobbyists, a search by The Associated Press of the database of the state Joint Commission on Public Ethics shows.
Perry rightly argues that giving the children of illegal immigrants access to Texas higher education is not only the right thing to do, but the cheapest way for the state to tackle the problems associated with this demographic.
FORBES: Rick Perry is Right About Educating the Children of Undocumented Workers
But the group and nearly 200 entertainers who are gaining attention and support in the dispute, which is splitting New Yorkers, aren't registered lobbyists, according to a search by The Associated Press of the database of the state Joint Commission on Public Ethics.
The towns of Haris and Varzaqan in East Azerbaijan province were among those that suffered casualties, Khalil Saei, local crisis committee chief, told state TV, according to the Associated Press.
"It's a day of reckoning and justice, " Clarita Vargas, who said she and two sisters were abused by a priest at a Jesuit-run school for Native American children in the state of Washington, told the Associated Press.
Prosecutors also criticized comments to The Associated Press by Doug Wilson, who heads the state public defenders' office.
In order to remain associated with Maine firms, out-of-state attorneys will be forced to give up the major benefits of partnership.
Al Armendariz, an EPA regional director admitted to the Associated Press that businesses may have questions since the state continues to handle permitting in other areas.
California's 33 prisons and associated camps therefore bear no small responsibility for the state's recurring budget crises, and the resultant crunch on school and university funding.
Today, news is that Schlichter (51) is set to accept a plea agreement to charges associated with selling promises to deliver tickets for Ohio State games at discounted prices.
FORBES: Former Ohio State QB, Art Schlichter, To Plead Guilty To Fed Charges
There are concerns that it will burden smaller retailers to determine how much needs to be collected, collect it, pay it to the State governments and file the various paperwork associated with the taxes.
FORBES: It's About Time Internet Retailers Collected Sales Tax
Within hours of the explosion the province's Inspector General of Police, Abdul Hai Qadar, was suspended along with two other senior police officials, according to the state-run news agency, The Associated Press of Pakistan.
An investigator with the state prosecutor's office told the Associated Press that the balloon had been landing at about 07:00 (05:00 GMT) when a landing cable got caught around a tube and a fire broke out on board.
Ordinarily, all of the remaining perfect teams at this time of year are bunched together at the top of the polls. (Save for small-conference teams like 13-0 Murray State, which is 20th in the Associated Press poll.) But this year, 12-0 Louisville is No. 4, behind once-beaten Ohio State and Kentucky.
WSJ: NCAA: Just How Good Are Louisville, Indiana and College Basketball's Other Unbeatens?
They agreed on the urgency of halting the spread of nuclear weapons technology, the state department spokesman said, according to the Associated Press.
In particular, the rise of utility-scale, centralized renewable energy and the associated infrastructure they will require are propagating an ossified, state-oriented system for providing and paying for electric service.
FORBES: America's Other Energy Revolution And Why It Matters
Such as: European companies pay less because the state covers more of the healthcare and other costs associated with defective products and the like.
FORBES: Study Pins Higher U.S. Liability Costs On Lawyers, Court System