• As for the President's schedule, I don't have any announcements to make about upcoming travel.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • As for the President...he has spoken clearly and forcefully on the issue of Cuba over the past few years.

    BBC: US threat to Cuban investors

  • As for the president's civilian buddies, forget it.

    ECONOMIST: Indonesia

  • So there are costs as well as benefits for the president.

    ECONOMIST: Gay marriage

  • He chaired the committee responsible for the creation of the Foundation for Arab Memory, served as Vice-President of the Luso-Arab Institute for Cooperation, and was a member of the Administrative Council of the Portuguese Foundation of Arab and Islamic Heritage.

    UNESCO: Sharjah Prize for Arab Culture

  • During Mr Bani-Sadr's impeachment the next year, he stood on the parliament balcony and, as the crowd roared for the president to be hanged, put his chubby fingers puckishly round his own neck.

    ECONOMIST: Sadeq Khalkhali

  • John McCain, R-Arizona, in 2008, but abandoned the president in 2010 -- especially since Reed has been most recently serving as staff director for the president's debt panel, co-chaired by Erskine Bowles and Alan Simpson, which so far has gotten no traction with its final report.

    CNN: Daley gets down to business

  • For four years, I worked as the vice president for media-training at one of the largest public relations firms in the world.

    FORBES: 3 Traps to Kill Your Team's Creativity

  • He has been a proud member of Human Rights First since it was founded as the Lawyers Committee for Human Rights 27 years ago, and has served as its president for the last 12.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The great Ground Zero heist

  • He has been a proud member of Human Rights First since it was founded -- as the Lawyers Committee for Human Rights -- 27 years ago, and has served as its president for the last 12.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The great Ground Zero heist

  • The theme of the debate was change as Palin and Biden sought to convince voters that they would shake up the status quo in Washington, a popular theme as approval ratings for the president and Congress are dismally low.

    CNN: Analysis: Palin gets back on track, but Biden wins debate

  • If the joint committee decides, for example, that part of a balanced deal should be to eliminate tax subsidies for oil and gas companies or corporate jets, or if they decide to limit the value of itemized deductions for high-income earners as the President has called for, they can do that and they would raise revenue through doing that.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • One is that we use it as the big launching pad for discussion, the president takes it as a centerpiece of what he wants to do in terms of demonstrating that he is concerned about these issues and that he does want to try to bring the two parties together, essentially the kind of things he campaigned on in his election.

    CNN: Will politicians take deficit cutting seriously?

  • He ran for president in 2004, when he ended up as the Democrats' nominee for vice president, and again in 2008, when he dropped out of the reace after a poor showing in the early primaries.

    CNN: Feds drop remaining Edwards charges

  • Gore said he has begun to write the acceptance speech he will deliver when he is officially nominated as the Democratic candidate for president at the party's convention in August.

    CNN: Gore will make a short list of V.P. candidates while on vacation

  • So a lot hangs on whom the Republicans choose as their candidate for the next president of the United States.

    BBC: Is Obama doomed in 2012?

  • ZAGREB, Croatia (CNN) -- Both Croatians and Eastern Slavonian Serbs were preparing for the worst Saturday as Croatian President Franjo Tudjman's deadline for the reintegration of the last remaining Serb-held area of Croatia drew closer.

    CNN: Tensions rise as Croat troops mass on border

  • For example, as the vice president of marketing for a major cable television operator, my marketing plan relied on our engineering division making major upgrades to our cable systems.

    FORBES: How to Write a Plan or Proposal That Rocks

  • But politicians from the left as well as the right have derided the president's demand for ministers to reveal their wealth - details of which emerged in the days leading up to Monday's deadline.

    BBC: Cahuzac scandal: Ministers publish wealth details

  • As for Congress ousting the president, that would demand a strong party system, which the Philippines lacks.

    ECONOMIST: The Philippines

  • Although I'm a Democrat, I'd love to McCain pick Powell for the vice president position, as for Democrats, Clinton-Obama all the way.

    NPR: Political Junkie: Three Weeks to Pennsylvania

  • In many ways, the Ryan budget, as we talked about and as the President said, presents the best argument for why balance is necessary, because if you don't choose balance, a balanced approach, you have to make the stark choices that that budget represents -- dramatic cuts in our investments in education, in manufacturing, in infrastructure, voucherization of our Medicare program, dramatic reductions in our Medicaid program.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Edwards ran for president in 2004, when he ended up as the Democrats' nominee for vice president, and again in 2008.

    CNN: Edwards gets acquittal on one count, mistrial on others

  • Ms Dastjerdi was the first woman minister of the Islamic republic, although a woman did serve as vice-president for the environment under Mohammad Khatami.

    BBC: Iran sacks sole female minister Dastjerdi from health post

  • INDIANOLA, Iowa (CNN) -- Bill Clinton spoke to an energetic crowd of Democrats in a wet field in Iowa on Saturday, praising the nine Democrats running for president as the best field of candidates the party has put forward in years.

    CNN: Clinton praises Democratic candidates in Iowa

  • Harding was chosen as the Republican candidate for president by a group of leaders meeting there to hammer out a consensus, even as the official convention was in session in a different part of town.

    CNN: An ineffectual Washington blew it

  • Its spokesman, Chad Kolton, worked for the Bush administration as a spokesman for the Director of National Intelligence, and its president ran for Congress as a Republican.

    CNN: Both sides using Rove's campaign strategy this year

  • He left the party in 1948 in protest against Harry Truman's support for civil rights, and ran for president as the candidate of the segregationist Dixiecrat Party.

    ECONOMIST: Lexington

  • With his eyes already set on the White House, Romney faced the unplanned prospect of running for president as the governor from the first same-sex marriage state in the union.

    CNN: Will Romney lurch to the center?

  • Medvedev caps a big Russian contingent this year as he (Putin) is using Davos as a launchpad for his agenda as president of the G20 in 2013.

    FORBES: It's Davos 2013: Time For The Elites To Man Up

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