• After an initial evaluation, your doctor may refer you to a doctor who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of conditions that affect the brain and nervous system (neurologist).

    CNN: Hydrocephalus

  • He said it had been a U.S.-led operation in Afghanistan, the Americans were the first aggrieved party, and it was for them to decide on the treatment and conditions of the prisoners provided that was done according to international norms.

    CNN: Straw defends detainees rights

  • Other key patents IBM obtained last year were for predicting traffic problems by using GPS and communicating the delays to drives, finding patterns across disparate data sources and an invention for enabling analysis of medical data from multiple sources to improve the research, diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions.

    FORBES: IBM's 20th Year Of Record U.S. Patents Leads With Cognitive Computing

  • Research involving human embryonic stem cells and human non-embryonic stem cells has the potential to lead to better understanding and treatment of many disabling diseases and conditions.


  • Over the next four months negotiations took place and some hostages were let go but 72 were still being held enduring inhumane treatment and living under terrible conditions.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Fujimori: The other side of the story

  • Information about their conditions and treatment is hard to come by.

    ECONOMIST: The terrible fate of two brave men

  • Clinics provide high-level data on diagnoses and treatment outcomes of the conditions we see - something GPs or private health providers are not required to do.

    BBC: Condoms

  • Unions and their supporters counter that collective bargaining has helped ensure safe working conditions, fair treatment and wages and adequate health care.

    CNN: What's at stake in Wisconsin?

  • Both are suffering from jaundice, but the treatment is routine and their conditions are not serious, Swift said.

    CNN: Massachusetts governor to go home before twins

  • Less than two weeks after The Washington Post detailed the deplorable conditions and inadequate treatment for outpatients at the center, the new defense secretary, Robert Gates, fired Maj.

    NPR: Walter Reed Reaction Contrasts with Abu Ghraib

  • However, they acknowledged it was impossible to tell whether this was a result of the medication itself or the genetic traits which may be shared between autism and conditions requiring such treatment.

    BBC: Problem pregnancy 'autism risk'

  • Are we doing enough to reduce the stigma associated with talking about, and seeking treatment for, mental health conditions?

    CNN: Why more Americans are dying of suicide

  • On Friday, a majority of experts on the panel expressed support for classifying ECT devices as high risk for the treatment of depression and several other conditions.

    CNN: FDA panel deems electroshock devices high risk

  • This manual is published by the American Psychiatric Association and is used by mental health providers to diagnose mental conditions and by insurance companies to reimburse for treatment.

    CNN: Conversion disorder

  • "While Morningside does not provide its treatment in a hospital-like setting, it does provide the structure and security necessary to ensure Ms. Lohan's compliance with treatment goals, and, more importantly, court ordered conditions, " Beatificato said.

    WSJ: Dispute arises over rehab facility chosen by Lohan

  • It knows he has received a treatment and that he has the best conditions to recuperate.

    WSJ: Ch��vez Returns to Venezuela

  • Initial findings indicate that the substance appears to be effective in the treatment of certain medical conditions and the control of agricultural pests.

    FORBES: Breakthrough Meds From Coffee And Cockatoo Feathers

  • Individuals with high fasting triglyceride levels be evaluated for secondary causes of hyperlipidemia, including endocrine conditions and medications, and that treatment be focused on secondary causes.

    FORBES: More Evidence That Omega-3 Supplements Don't Work

  • And there are gaps in the treatment of diseases not unusual among rich-world children, including epilepsy and psychotic conditions.

    ECONOMIST: Children's medicine

  • At the same time (as already evident under Medicare) the treatment of infrequent but costly catastrophic diseases and conditions will be limited in the name of cost control, and the case-by-case discretion of doctors and other providers will be closely monitored and restricted.

    WSJ: Christopher DeMuth: A Referendum on ObamaCare and Liberty

  • We all know of the horrendous conditions in Chinese rabbit farms and the cruel treatment many animals undergo as they are harvested for their pelts (I suggest wearing vintage instead of new as a way to satisfy your fur lust).

    FORBES: Dear PETA: Screaming Rabbits Are Not the Answer

  • Early diagnosis and treatment in men offer better protection against osteoporosis and other related conditions.

    CNN: Male hypogonadism

  • But it goes further than that because it's not just the living conditions, it's the conditions which enable work and education and other rehabilitation treatment to be given to them, because they are inadequate, there aren't enough workshops, there aren't enough education centres, and so on.

    BBC: News Online

  • Part D improves access to medications and in so doing promotes adherence to treatment plans that can control chronic conditions.

    FORBES: Competing To Save The Health-Care System Money

  • It says that by cutting smoking, drinking and obesity, many conditions which require expensive, long-term treatment in hospitals or the community could be removed altogether or their impact lessened.

    BBC: Obesity is one of the most pressing public health concerns

  • President Bush created the panel in March to investigate problems in the treatment of wounded veterans following disclosures of roach-infested conditions and shoddy outpatient care at Walter Reed.

    NPR: Veterans React to Report on Care

  • It hasn't yet been approved by the Food and Drug Administration as an acne treatment, though it has been approved for other skin conditions.

    WSJ: As More Adults Get Acne, New Photodynmic Treatments Use Light

  • Level the economic and financial playing field between Warsaw Pact countries and Latin American debtor nations so that potential adversaries cease to enjoy continued, preferential treatment (such as Western government-guaranteed credits, more favorable terms and conditions on loans and multilateral economic conferences) vis a vis that available to fledgling democracies in this hemisphere.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • They looked at treatment of conditions including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, osteoporosis and HIV.

    BBC: Mental health medication concern

  • During those years a raft of legislation governing everything from child labour, working conditions in factories, the treatment of the poor, to public health and sanitation was passed.

    BBC: News Magazine

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