• To flatter him, flag-waving schoolchildren lined the streets, Egyptian bedouins with links to Mr Qaddafi's own tribe cheered him on, and the state-controlled media offered blanket coverage of his forays to the Egyptian Museum and the tomb of Gamal Abdel Nasser, the Egyptian president whom Mr Qaddafi still idolises as a hero of Arab nationalism.

    ECONOMIST: Libya and the bombed airliners | The

  • Advocates of the theory are lionized in the dominant Democrat party controlled media in the U.S., and in leftist controlled media in other countries.

    FORBES: The Disgraceful Episode Of Lysenkoism Brings Us Global Warming Theory

  • The Obama Administration, and its party controlled media allies, totally ignored the Household Survey as too unreliable in those months.

    FORBES: Obama's Real Unemployment Rate Is 14.7%, And A Recession's On The Way

  • Officials and the state-controlled media take every opportunity to denounce Mr Savimbi as a terrorist and war criminal.

    ECONOMIST: Angola

  • He is already closing critical newspapers and using the state-controlled media to reinforce his image as a peace-maker who has saved Serbia from vicious attack.

    ECONOMIST: A victory for despots?

  • They may also involve control of such other crucial portfolios as those of the ministry of finance, the deputy prime minister, foreign affairs and the govemment-controlled media.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center for Security Policy | Center For Security Policy Highlights Constraints Facing Solidarity-Led Government In Poland

  • The story begins in 1994, when the Malaysian press revealed that then Malacca chief minister Rahim Tamby Chik apparently had been led astray by a 15-year-old schoolgirl. (The accused's rivals in the dominant national party UMNO leaked the tawdry details.) Rahim was subjected to a vicious character assassination by a wide spectrum of society, including his party colleagues and the government-controlled media.

    CNN: Truth and Consequence

  • And so the Israeli public was denied knowledge that not only did the Arafat-controlled Palestinian media fail to report their meeting, Arafat's newspapers and television broadcasts routinely told the Palestinian people that there could be no peace with the Jews.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Netanyahu must play for time

  • There is no legal political opposition and the media are tightly controlled by the state.

    BBC: Map of Uzbekistan

  • Uday, even when he declined in favour, for a time controlled the state media and national sport, stupidly punishing athletes who did not win prizes.

    ECONOMIST: Uday and Qusay Saddam Hussein

  • But in the absence of any information in China's highly censored and controlled official media, people seize on rumours and speculation on the internet.

    BBC: Damaging coup rumours ricochet across China

  • Even the state-controlled media sharply questioned official explanations for the crash and criticised the government's response to the accident.

    ECONOMIST: Dissent in China

  • CGI, a start-up investment firm that is based in Beijing and is controlled jointly by the mainland's telecoms industry and Citic Guoan, a media group, was said to be preparing a joint bid with Netcom.

    ECONOMIST: Telecoms

  • LINCOLN, Nebraska (CNN) -- Issues like the war in Iraq and the debate over what to do with immigration have no doubt controlled the news media in recent months, but will those issues control how students at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln vote November 7?

    CNN: U: The hot issues for Nebraska students

  • That effort got rolling almost immediately after Pyongyang revealed the demise of the elder Mr. Kim, and has been going strong since then in the state-controlled media.

    WSJ: Pyongyang Turns to Task of Glorifying New Leader

  • His opponents are divided and largely excluded from the mainly state-controlled media.

    ECONOMIST: The black widows strike again? | The

  • In a similar manner, this week as Israel's newspapers published ecstatic headlines about Abbas's moderation and desire for peace, the Abbas-controlled Palestinian media made no mention of the meeting.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Netanyahu must play for time

  • The insight is that leading media organs like the New York Times and the Washington Post are as controlled by the Democrat Party today, as Pravda and Izvestia where controlled by the Communist Party in the old Soviet Union, and so can be counted on to cover for the Democrats today, as the old Soviet controlled press covered for their party masters.

    FORBES: Bill Clinton Fed His Flock Democratic Daydreams And Fairy Tales

  • Only the very blandest, most media-savvy and controlled people, who have never uttered a controversial sentence in their lives, will be deemed fit to hold public office.

    ECONOMIST: Tech.view: Everybody does it | The

  • What today has revealed is that - as the contradictory nature of those words suggest - panics are rarely slow, steady and controlled, particularly if a minister goes off his script and the media latches onto a narrative about a government that is making mistakes and looking out of touch.

    BBC: 'Don't panic. Don't panic'

  • All of this takes place in the context of anti-capitalist class warfare, in which "enemies of the people" are labeled by the government-controlled media to provide both justification and an outlet for bitter frustration and anger.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Echoes of the '30s in Caracas

  • The web is less tightly controlled than traditional media, and opposition forces have found a home online.

    BBC: Russia country profile

  • Zimbabwe's state-controlled media has also covered the funeral in huge detail and used the sort of tone previously reserved for those interred at Heroes' Acre.

    BBC: Zimbabwe's funeral diplomacy

  • So much of what Obama says, however, is based on a keen understanding of what the average person does not know, and what Obama is sure the so-called mainstream, Democrat Party controlled media will not tell them.

    FORBES: Obama's Shocking Fallacies, America's Not-So-Shocking Failures

  • The institutionalist gave way to the free agent, who controlled his own fund-raising apparatus and media presence, and whose electoral base was a patchwork of single-issue groups.

    NEWYORKER: The Empty Chamber

  • State-controlled media avoid challenging optimistic official claims, and tend to under-report the Western debate on climate change for fear of getting too deep into China's part in it.

    ECONOMIST: Beijing wants to clear the air for the Olympics

  • Moreover, in recent weeks, the Abbas-controlled Palestinian media have been intensifying their incitement against Israel and Jews.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Netanyahu must play for time

  • Tanzania's media scene, once small and largely state-controlled, developed rapidly following the advent of the multi-party era in the mid 1990s.

    BBC: Tanzania profile

  • Myanmar's state-controlled media oppose whatever the NLD tries to do, relentlessly attack Suu Kyi and adopt a confrontational style of reportage about her party.

    CNN: A Tale of Two Countries

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