• If it decides not to, the country which has led Europe in designing and implementing criminal-justice policies risks losing not only rapid co-operation and information but also influence over a fast-growing body of EU law.

    ECONOMIST: Opting out of the EU

  • The bureau, based at London's City University, is an independent body and a not-for-profit operation.

    BBC: Profile: Bureau of Investigative Journalism

  • Before it gets to the climax, however, "Body of Lies" offers a long, elaborate setup -- involving ingenious computer hackery and a not very believable sting operation that creates a rival for Al-Saleem.

    CNN: Review: 'Body of Lies' flat

  • At the micro-political level, co-operation between angry Muslims and secular socialists is not always smooth.

    ECONOMIST: Muslims and socialists

  • The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development does not exactly have a shining record as a forecaster.

    BBC: Britain's zig-zag economy

  • Already before his death, Yassin indicated there was potential for political co-ordination - although not field co-operation - between Palestinian militant groups and those in Lebanon and Iraq.

    BBC: Yassin killing brings call for Islamic unity

  • He says shared values and interests, and long experience of co-operation, not least in intelligence, matter more.

    ECONOMIST: America and the Middle East: How to learn from history | The

  • Turkey said its support for a US-led operation would be limited and was not committed to allowing the US to use its facilities.

    BBC: Europe appeals for time on Iraq

  • This might not encourage co-operation and goodwill within a federation.

    BBC: Schools Bill: Who's taking charge?

  • "The breathing insufficiency that emerged post-operation persists, and the tendency has not been favourable, so it is still being treated, " Mr Villegas said in a televised statement.

    BBC: Hugo Chavez's 'breathing problems persist'

  • It is important for the public to know -- the public, by and large, is not particularly aware of this matter -- that every document related to the Fast and Furious operation has long since been provided to congressional investigators.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • In these circumstances, it appears that you failed to ask even the most basic questions about who was involved and the handling of an operation with the obvious potential to create considerable controversy and undermine public confidence - questions which would not have impinged in any way on the police carrying out a proper investigation.

    BBC: In full: Dominic Grieve's letter

  • Federal authorities say the year-long operation focused on the five suspects and had not targeted the broader Occupy movement.

    CNN: 5 arrested in alleged plot to blow up Cleveland-area bridge

  • "The deployment will be defensive only and will not support a no-fly zone or any offensive operation, " it added.

    BBC: Nato deploying Patriot missiles to Turkey-Syria border

  • "The London attacks were a classic al Qaeda operation and not the work of self-starting terrorists, as has been repeatedly suggested in the media, " Bergen says.

    CNN: Angry young men

  • Much will depend on the attitude of union leaders, who do not enjoy a reputation for co-operation and compromise.

    ECONOMIST: France��s economy

  • Even on the question of the third pillar, which governs co-operation in justice and home affairs, Britain is not isolated.

    ECONOMIST: European Union

  • He told the BBC the family felt they should have known the hospital's record prior to the operation - and if they had, they may not have gone ahead.

    BBC: Hospital slated over transplant deaths

  • However, lawyers for Mr Rodney's family have already argued in court that the inquiry may fail to properly explore what happened if it does not examine how the operation was planned - and whether there could have been an opportunity to arrest the men without opening fire.

    BBC: Azelle Rodney police shooting 'like cowboy scene'

  • For Ms Merkel, China and Russia are competitors as well as partners: co-operation does not preclude criticism.

    ECONOMIST: German foreign policy: The company she keeps | The

  • Opening a debate on 7 July, he told MEPs that he was keen to see greater economic governance and said that monetary union could not survive without "political co-operation".

    BBC: Belgian prime minister calls for 'more Europe'

  • To do this, co-operation with others may be necessary, and we should not flinch from it - after all, we have spent decades opposing tribal politics and saying that parties should co-operate more.

    BBC: Charles Kennedy: A party of government

  • Because the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) did a study not long ago about the nations with the greatest social mobility, and the list reads shockingly close to the one Chris quoted.

    FORBES: Happy Country=Social Mobility?

  • Miroljub Labus, the Yugoslav deputy prime minister, has said he believes it should be possible to negotiate some sizeable debt relief within four months, but not if the country is again isolated because of its lack of co-operation with the court at The Hague, and not if a complex divorce with Montenegro also has to be arranged.

    ECONOMIST: Remaking Yugoslavia

  • Without Pakistan's co-operation, though, talks between India and the Hurriyat will not get far.

    ECONOMIST: Kashmir

  • But not everything can be solved by co-operation, and so the third safeguard is to bolster deterrence.

    ECONOMIST: China and Japan

  • In 1996, Severson had an opportunity to take over an existing car-towing operation and secured a loan from FNBB where Mark Hardyman was not only the president but was intimately involved with making loans for the bank.

    FORBES: 'Just Right To Jail' - Small Bankers Do Go To Prison

  • "There is a tradition of policing in the UK, policing by consent, not by force, policing with the support and the co-operation of the public, " said Mr Paddick, the Liberal Democrat candidate in the 2008 London mayoral elections.

    BBC: Paddick's fears over armed police

  • He said the solution with Iran was "not military", and progress with Tehran depended on international co-operation.

    BBC: Netanyahu calls for recognition

  • Anyway, legal co-operation in Europe is not that inefficient: the arrest and evidence warrants were both approved, albeit in diluted form.

    ECONOMIST: Charlemagne

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