• An adult in this colony has an abdomen that is about 0.9mm long, and an egg is about 0.6mm long.

    ECONOMIST: Ecology: Sisterhood is hungry | The

  • In the cloning experiment, cells from an infertile father would be injected into an egg, which is then implanted in the mother's uterus for the pregnancy.

    CNN: Team to attempt human cloning

  • What is needed is an egg with an impenetrable barrier that contains water at the right salt concentration for life.

    ECONOMIST: Fish genetics

  • Twenty-two days after an egg is injected with one of the three strains, Chiron workers extract the fluid and isolate and inactivate the viruses.

    FORBES: Broken Eggs

  • The dish's foundation is an egg-based pappardelle.

    WSJ: Ruth Rogers's Pappardelle With Stewed Pancetta and Creamy Tomato Sauce | Slow Food Fast

  • This is the idea that a hen is merely an egg's way of making another egg.

    ECONOMIST: Ageing

  • "From an egg standpoint that is not tiny but it's not enormous either, " said Dr Bogoch.

    BBC: Worms detected by converted iPhone microscope

  • When the queen lays an egg, she is able to choose its sex.

    NEWYORKER: Stung

  • The brainchild of two British design companies, the nanny is shaped like an egg cup: slide the toy in, and it takes over, using tiny motors to help it press the Tamagotchi's buttons.

    ECONOMIST: For the child who has everything | The

  • Just as a hen is about to lay an egg, she applies a liquid coating around it that naturally protects against contamination.

    FORBES: Natural Protection

  • Is it a chicken or an egg argument?

    FORBES: There is No Band-Aid For Workplace Stress

  • The shape is, as you described, an egg shape, that when you cut lengthwise you see--it looks like tomato.

    NPR: Getting the Taste of the Tamarillo

  • This is then topped with cabbage and an egg, just like you would find in any donburi eatery in Japan.

    BBC: Different Disneylands around the world

  • Ideally, when a chick becomes a candidate to become an egg-laying hen, it is put in a clean environment with clean water and feed, he said.


  • To be sure, egg freezing is not an ideal choice.

    CNN: Women, consider freezing your eggs

  • Let the neighbors rig up their 40-foot, live-candle Christmas tree or present little pots of caviar so precious that each egg is like the last stand of an endangered species.

    FORBES: It's a beautiful thing for the holidays.

  • "I think I had, in the past couple of days prior to that, just an egg and a glass of water -- this is the extreme measures we have to go to in order to cut weight for our category, " she said.

    CNN: Team GB's weightlifting warrior Zoe Smith tames Twitter trolls

  • The researchers said this is a way of getting more specific genetic material into an egg than the method used on Dolly.

    CNN: Researchers clone pigs

  • "They could easily tear apart Nairobi, but they've done nothing there at all because they realize this is their golden egg, " said Michael Taarnby, an Al-Shabaab expert at the University of Central Florida.

    CNN: Mysterious al Qaeda 'envoy' dispenses aid in Somalia

  • Ross is something of an indie Robert Altman, with his huge cast of characters and plaited strands of dialogue, and he has a sharp and comic eye for intimacy, domesticity, and practicality: daily routines when nothing is happening have the moment of high drama, and an egg in the refrigerator, a broken waffle iron, and a handful of change virtually come to life.

    NEWYORKER: Audrey the Trainwreck

  • More accurately, it is a mountain of French fries topped with a steak, an egg and a piece of ham rolled around a glob of melted cheese.

    BBC: Multicultural Miami

  • It's a 30-foot-long, 4-foot-deep, fully automated stainless steel tub that produces a pasteurized egg by bathing it for about an hour in water that is precisely controlled to between 128 and 150 degrees (the exact temperature is secret)--hot enough to kill salmonella and other dangerous microbes without cooking the egg, (see sidebar).

    FORBES: The Yolk's On Him

  • As the title implies, this is not an easy time to be setting out to build a nest egg.

    FORBES: You're on Your Own

  • The book is therefore, obviously, called How to Milk an Almond, Stuff an Egg, and Armor a Turnip: A Thousand Years of Recipes.

    FORBES: Something For the Weekend: How to Armor a Turnip

  • Even more radical was the invention, in 1978, of in-vitro fertilization, or IVF, the now-common technique in which egg and sperm meet in a laboratory petri dish and create an embryo that is then implanted in the would-be mother's womb.

    CNN: Science led to gay families: Law should follow

  • Although there is plenty of private capital sloshing around, there is a chicken-and-egg problem: nobody wants to buy equity in an industry without enough capital.

    ECONOMIST: The credit crunch

  • Still, some critics say Plan B is the equivalent of an abortion pill because it may also be able to prevent a fertilized egg from attaching to the uterus, a contention that scientists and Korman, in his ruling said has been discredited.

    WSJ: NY judge makes morning-after pill available to all

  • Still, some critics say Plan B is the equivalent of an abortion pill because it may also be able to prevent a fertilized egg from attaching to the uterus, a contention that many scientists and Korman, in his ruling said has been discredited.

    NPR: FDA: Morning-After Pill OK For Ages 15 And Up

  • The mushroom enterprise is also relatively new, launched in 2008 when the monks abandoned their egg business after an animal-rights organisation said they were not housing their chickens humanely. (The monks contended that they were.) Now the mushrooms can also be bought at local supermarkets, and are popular fare at several high-class Charleston restaurants.

    ECONOMIST: A beautiful and profitable idea

  • Then there's a completely new idea, which is to generate a kind of a cell that you would merge with a kind of an egg, and you'd get something that was kind of an embryo but it wasn't really an embryo, and it wouldn't have the potential to grow into anything, and maybe those would give rise to stem cells.

    NPR: Ethical Guidelines for Stem Cell Research Proposed

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