• In Jerusalem, triumphant Muslims built the Al-Aqsa mosque on top of the Jews' revered Temple Mount.


  • Abdel Q'ader Husseini, Faisal Husseini's son, told Reuters his father would be buried at Jerusalem's al-Aqsa mosque compound.

    CNN: Palestinians mourn death of Husseini

  • One of Egypt's leading Islamic clerics has prayed at the al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem, despite Arab opposition to visiting Israel-controlled areas.

    BBC: Egypt's grand mufti visits Jerusalem's al-Aqsa mosque

  • Al-Aqsa mosque is in the heart of Jerusalem's old city, alongside sites also considered amongst the holiest by Jews and Christians.

    BBC: Egypt's grand mufti visits Jerusalem's al-Aqsa mosque

  • Today people are free to pray at the western wall, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, al-Aqsa mosque, or anywhere else they decide.

    ECONOMIST: Municipal unrest

  • The digging feeds Arab fears that Israel is eroding the very foundations on which the Arab districts, and in particular the al-Aqsa mosque, are built.

    ECONOMIST: Jerusalem

  • Thousands of people turned out in Gaza on Tuesday to protest against the rededication of the synagogue, not far from the al-Aqsa mosque, Islam's third-holiest site, AFP news agency reports.

    BBC: US envoy George Mitchell postpones Israel visit

  • His controversial visit in 2000 to the al-Aqsa mosque compound in east Jerusalem, a site which is also holy to Jews, was one of the sparks for the second Palestinian intifada (uprising).

    BBC: Profile: Ariel Sharon

  • In order not to create an international crisis, Dayan made it clear that the army would not attack the Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and immediately returned the keys to the Temple Mount to the Muslim authorities.

    FORBES: A Potential Game Changer In Hamas's Attack Methods

  • The BBC's Middle East correspondent, Paul Wood, says the call by some Palestinian officials for people to defend the Haram al-Sharif or Temple Mount, site of the al-Aqsa mosque, comes amid rumours of plans by Jewish extremists to take control of the area.

    BBC: US envoy George Mitchell postpones Israel visit

  • Still, the 7th century Al-Aqsa mosque was built atop an earlier Christian church, which in stood astride a Roman temple, all of which stood on the platform built by king Herod to house the second Jewish temple, which itself replaced the temple of Solomon, built around 900 BCE.

    FORBES: A Potential Game Changer In Hamas's Attack Methods

  • But the Pope's supporters will be hoping that by visiting Muslim holy sites - he was the first pontiff to go to the great compound of al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem - he will have improved the overall tone of relations between the Catholic Church and some at least of Islam's believers.

    BBC: Reflections on Pope's Holy Land tour

  • Over the past six months, the religious part of the conflict seems to have waxed, not waned: Palestinians have called their latest uprising the al-Aqsa intifada, after the mosque on Temple Mount.

    ECONOMIST: Hope in a hate-infected city

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