• The film has six other Oscar nominations, including best picture and best actor for star Adrien Brody.

    CNN: Polanski remains fugitive from U.S. law

  • Encountering American activist Sam (Adrien Brody) during one of his guerrilla-style stunts to raise awareness for the janitors' plight, Maya encourages her co-workers to unionise.

    BBC: Loach's Bread winner

  • But even with "Chicago's" good feelings carrying the day, it was best actor Adrien Brody and best actress Nicole Kidman who brought the house down with their moving speeches.

    CNN: 'Chicago' triumphs at Oscars

  • Jack Black, rather restrained, is the reckless huckster moviemaker Denham, and Adrien Brody is the nominal hero, though he actually receives less affection from Watts than the ape does.

    NEWYORKER: King Kong

  • Salvador Dali (Adrien Brody) is a manic egotist.

    NEWYORKER: The Better Life

  • His latest assault on our senses and, for good measure, on what he perceives as the cracked values of an entire culture centers on a failing high school, where Henry Barthes (Adrien Brody), a substitute teacher, has just arrived.

    NEWYORKER: Movies

  • Fellow Briton Ken Loach's It's A Free World takes a look at illegal employment in contemporary Britain, while Wes Anderson's comedy The Darjeeling Limited sees Owen Wilson, Adrien Brody and Jason Schwartzman as brothers travelling across India.

    BBC: NEWS | Entertainment | Spaghetti westerns head to Venice

  • In fifth place is Adrien Brody.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Both warm and gritty, filled with sentiment yet not sentimental, the movie follows the high-school senior Ben Kurtzman (Ben Foster) and his college-boy brother, Van (Adrien Brody), as they discover what it means to be Jewish at least in a social sense.

    NEWYORKER: Liberty Heights

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