• In his absence, who is the administration point person, and is there any effort to keep the Vice President involved in conversations by phone and from Finland?

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • And they have been engaged both to offer some technical assistance, but also to ensure, or at least to represent the administration point of view, to try to steer the proposal in the direction of the principles that the President had laid out.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing by Deputy Press Secretary Josh Earnest

  • Obama administration officials point to what they see as the administration's biggest accomplishment in the gay rights cause: repealing "don't ask, don't tell, " the military's ban on openly gay and lesbian members serving in the forces.


  • The administration can point to three extenuating circumstances for the quarter's slide.

    ECONOMIST: George Bush's excuses only half wash

  • But administration officials point out that the reforms sought by the United States are too near completion for Mr Bolton to be able to meddle much.

    ECONOMIST: America's new UN envoy

  • Administration officials point to a report by the Democratic staff of the House Energy and Commerce Committee last week that determined that in Oregon and Washington the competition is lowering premium rates even before income-based tax credits are taken into account.

    WSJ: Administration: 'Obamacare' to offer more choices

  • To be sure, the Obama record on equality in the workplace is an improvement over the previous administration as during the comparable point of the Bush administration there were just 3 women who had achieved the top salary.

    FORBES: White House Record On Women Should Be Better

  • At the same time, the Republican Party has made a point--or, rather, Bush administration has made a point of saying that Alberto Gonzales is going to look into how to renew and reframe this.

    NPR: Roundtable: Voting Rights Act, NABJ Conference

  • Thankfully, the Obama administration's point man on this issue, Dennis Ross, shows no signs of weakening American opposition to a nuclear-armed Iran.

    WSJ: Has Obama Turned on Israel?

  • The Obama administration and Democrats point out that the Congressional Budget Office has estimated the health care law will reduce total annual budget deficits between now and 2021.

    CNN: Tax or penalty, does it matter for Romney and Obama?

  • But again, Chip, this -- this is something, again, that for the first time in any administration at any point in our history, we've undertaken releasing publicly those names.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Mr. Suzuki met with the administration's point man on nuclear-proliferation issues, including Deputy Energy Secretary Daniel Poneman, and with Assistant Secretary of State Thomas Countryman, said U.S. and Japanese officials.

    WSJ: U.S. Opposes Japan's Nuclear Plan

  • By falling into administration Portsmouth incurred a nine-point penalty for going into administration in late February, effectively sealing relegation to the Championship.

    BBC: Mystery investor eyes Portsmouth bid

  • Typically the administration weighs in with a statement on administration policy at this point.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Who in the administration is really riding point on dealing with issues of corruption in Afghanistan?

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • This puts her at odds with those in the administration who see no point in diplomatic charm offensives.

    ECONOMIST: The Bush reshuffle

  • Some folks are outraged, too, by Mr Obama's rumoured selection of Dennis Ross, a veteran of Bill Clinton's administration, as his point man on Iran.

    ECONOMIST: Lexington

  • The administration has made a point to answer every petition breaking the 25, 000 signature mark on its We the People site in a similar way.

    FORBES: Beyond the Death Star: White House Proving its Petition Site is More Than Just a Sideshow

  • At some point the Administration will have to work a bit harder and take more risks if it wants to actually lower the cost of health care.

    FORBES: Sebelius To HMOs: If You Raise Rates 10% You Will Answer To Me

  • Goaded by public and political sentiment, as well as by Serb atrocities, the administration seemed at one point to be reconsidering its reluctance to use ground forces.

    ECONOMIST: Troops or no troops?

  • "There wasn't a word in this presentation about the weapons of mass destruction, " Kennedy said, a point the administration had raised repeatedly in the buildup to the war.

    CNN: Bush Iraq policy faces tough questions?on Capitol Hill

  • So trade agreements of the sort that we have negotiated, thanks to the leadership of President Santos and his administration, I think point the way to the future.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Delivers Remarks at CEO Summit Of The Americas | The White House

  • You know, the administration is making a point that releasing this data is part of a much larger effort to bring more price transparency to the health care marketplace.

    NPR: 3 min 45 sec

  • Beyond this, the administration seems on the point of accepting that its post-Clinton policy of benevolent disengagement from the Israeli-Palestinian political dispute is no longer adequate to the situation.

    ECONOMIST: Israel and the Palestinians

  • In government in the 1990s he saw how the credibility of America's independent Federal Reserve helped, rather than hindered, a centre-left Democrat administration a point not lost on Mr Brown.

    ECONOMIST: New Labour��s gurus

  • In one of the most disquieting passages in his book, Mazzetti notes that, as the death toll in Pakistan mounted, Obama Administration officials at one point claimed that the increased drone strikes in Pakistan had not led to any civilian deaths.

    NEWYORKER: Remote Control

  • But the administration's opponents point to changes in the laws of war under the Geneva Conventions since World War II, and they contend that because of those changes, the U.S. did not use military tribunals in the half century that followed, not even against guerilla fighters of the Vietcong.

    NPR: High Court Hears Challenge to Military Tribunals

  • We had to go to court as a reference point but the administration has now been rubber-stamped.

    BBC: HMRC drops Portsmouth administration challenge

  • So, at this point, the administration treats Beijing with the respect and deference that the Chinese believe they deserve.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Bush has cultivated his relationship with Fox and has made new ties with Mexico a key point of his administration's international policy.

    CNN: Mexico's leader seeks immigration deal this year

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