• The manuscripts offend the Salafists less than the tombs or graven images do, though some address the Sufi school of Islam, which they scorn.

    ECONOMIST: Mali��s heritage

  • When she applied for a school place, Mrs Patel gave the address of her mother, which was within the school's catchment area, rather than the family address.

    BBC: School place 'fraud' case dropped

  • The activists who trooped to London's Connaught Rooms on a wet Saturday applauded the traditionalist elements of David Cameron's address, such as the return of competitive school sport and a ban on calculators in primary school maths tests.

    BBC: With the grassroots at Tory spring conference

  • Contact Point is a vast database that holds the details of everyone under the age of eighteen in England, their name, address, gender, date of birth, school and health provider.

    BBC: Cameron's data speech in full

  • In 2010, the pro-choice Republican senator from Massachusetts, Scott Brown, delivered the commencement address at the Boston College School of Law.

    WSJ: Anne Hendershott: A Cardinal Boycotts Boston College

  • In 2011, 100 University of Michigan law school graduates walked out of Portman's commencement address to protest his position on gay rights after circulating a petition trying to get him removed as the event's speaker.


  • The 2012 GMR on TVET will address the challenge of making the transition from school to work, including organizing a major conference in China in 2012.

    UNESCO: Social and Human Sciences

  • District officials say the Promise Neighborhoods program has the potential to address social problems at the root of many of the school's troubles.

    WSJ: Comeback School Misses Mark

  • In addition to reauthorizing federal child nutrition programs, the act will help address childhood obesity by reducing the fat and calorie content of school meals.

    WHITEHOUSE: Bringing Healthy, Affordable Food to Underserved Communities | The White House

  • Founded in 2001 by two graduate students from the Colorado School of Mines, Oberon aims to address the fish-feed problem by serving farmed fish the bacteria used to eat up the excess food in wastewater streams of food-processing plants.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • They must have a cover page indicating the category (children or youth), the title of the essay, the name of the participant and their personal information (mailing address, phone number, e-mail address, nationality, age as of June 2010, sex, school name (if any) and word count).


  • While the views of panellists varied widely on the best ways to improve and enhance education, they all agreed that broadband could address educational challenges in a world where 61 million children of primary-school age are not in school, 1.7 million extra teachers are needed and 775 million people, mostly women, are illiterate.


  • 's Sloan School of Management, where he plans to give an address when he visits Boston next week.


  • The charter school movement was born out of a desire to creatively address the many obstacles teachers faced.

    FORBES: 80% of Michigan Charter Schools are For-Profits

  • "We take the problem of violence in school very seriously and support groups trying to address it, " he said.

    BBC: Campaigners say school bullies leave long-lasting scars

  • The school has said it is making reforms to address the problem of hazing both on and off campus, including requiring students to sign an anti-hazing pledge.

    CNN: Manslaughter charges added in FAMU hazing death

  • The court heard that Farrow, 48, of no fixed address, was sent home from his first day at school for misbehaviour, and that his mother was unable to control him.

    BBC: Stephen Farrow 'the psychopath'

  • The school's distinguished faculty are leading research to address many of the critical challenges of the 21st century, including renewable energy, clean water, health care, wireless sensing and networking, and cybersecurity.

    ENGADGET: Photovoltaic polarizers could make self-charging smartphone dreams come true

  • Indeed, when it comes to programs designed to address social problems whether the lack of preparation of poor children for school or re-training the unemployed, or hundreds of other social programs on which the federal government now spends hundreds of billions annually there are great risks in adopting a government-led approach.

    FORBES: Obama's SOTU and What Government Shouldn't Do

  • While offering plenty of retail-related case studies, the school didn't address what truly interested him, he says.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Late last year, a group of my colleagues and I--at New York University's Stern School of Business--convened a discussion about how to address the crisis.

    FORBES: Get Briefed: Thomas Cooley

  • Digital Promise and the League of Innovative Schools are committed to using incentive prizes to address barriers facing member school districts and advance the understanding about when incentive prizes work best in education.

    WHITEHOUSE: Using Incentive Prizes to Tackle the Middle-School Math Gap | The White House

  • Only the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and a Harvard Business School professor, a member of the Squam Lake Group, were there to address lingering concerns.

    FORBES: Framing the Money Market Mutual Fund Debate

  • Finally, we have led efforts to address the bullying and harassment that touches the lives of countless kids, their families, and their communities every school year.

    WHITEHOUSE: Safety and Justice for All Americans

  • To address these cultural issues, the year-long National Hispanic Corporate Council program at SMU's Cox School of Business starts off with a heavy dose of self-awareness exercises, case studies and discussions.

    FORBES: Leadership

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