• Given all this, how can you check for accounting risk in the stocks you own?

    FORBES: Is The SEC's Ponzi Crusade Enabling Companies To Cook The Books, Enron-Style?

  • Type in a ticker symbol at riskgrades.com and you'll soon see grades for a firm's market, credit, governance and accounting risk.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • During the past four rated Quarters, the GMI Ratings Accounting Risk Score for the company has fallen precipitously from 60, on a scale of 100, to 5.

    FORBES: Two Thumbs Down for Netflix's Governance

  • Regulations supporting effective disclosure, as well as improved audit, accounting and risk-rating standards, should be preferred to restrictive regulatory controls that block innovation and growth.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Some may argue that the risk premium these banks are charging is too high, even accounting for the risk, but what are the chances they will suddenly see the light after this regulation is passed, and drop rates across the board?

    FORBES: The Problem With Rep. Hinchey's Interest Rate Cap

  • The appropriate asset allocation should be tailored to your personal financial situation, accounting for your risk tolerance, time horizon, expected withdrawals, and legacy wishes, among other factors.

    FORBES: The Seven Deadly Investor Sins

  • And the great majority of investment advisers claim they base decisions on this theory, which falls short when it comes to accounting for the risk of borrowed money.

    FORBES: Urgent: Investors Must Avoid Margin Ditch

  • Every three months it assigns each company an accounting and governance risk score, or AGR, based on proprietary modeling designed to identify practices that historically have had a high correlation with increasing shareholder risk.

    FORBES: America's 100 Most Trustworthy Companies

  • The list of culprits for the woes afflicting banks includes bankers' pay, credit ratings, ill-prepared boards, sleepy supervisors, accounting regimes, flawed risk models and Alan Greenspan.

    ECONOMIST: Are league tables to blame for the industry's ills?

  • Beyond validating the inclusion of HP on our risk list, the announcement provided the latest illustration of the importance of forensic accounting in the analysis of issuer risk.

    FORBES: Clients Flounder And Fail But Auditor PwC Prevails

  • The bank levy, in particular, will drive banking activity overseas, and banks will avoid most risk adjustments through accounting sleights-of-hand.

    FORBES: The U.K. Austerity Plan Is a 77% Solution

  • International travel is among the most common hepatitis A risk factors, accounting for 15% of U.S. cases in 2005, a CDC study found.

    FORBES: Shots for Grown-Ups

  • The latest fight, with hints of accounting shenanigans, poses the risk of a bankruptcy filing by spring if Joe can't ward off banks and bondholders.

    FORBES: Special Purpose Vehicle

  • But there is no doubt that the summit's action plan includes a long list of financial sector dimensions to be addressed, including: accounting standards, hedge funds, risk disclosures, financial sector assessments, credit rating agencies, risk-management and stress-testing models, international standard setters, sanctions for misconduct, reporting to supervisors in different countries, and more.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Reuters, July 27, 2011: In a 106-page decision, U.S. District Judge Lewis Kaplan in Manhattan said the plaintiffs, which include retirement and pension funds around the world, companies and individuals, sufficiently alleged that Lehman materially misled them about its accounting and its ability to manage risk ahead of its September 15, 2008, bankruptcy.

    FORBES: Judge Kaplan: Ernst & Young Must Defend Lehman Investor Lawsuit

  • But in the process of buying the loans and packaging them up, investment banks retain some risk of loss, including accounting items like loans held for sale, loans held for investment, retained interests in the securitizations themselves, and so-called warehouse loans that keep the origination engines at the small mortgage lenders humming.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • None of this is to gloss over the fact that international investing does carry risk of currency fluctuation, questionable accounting practices (which Americans are by no means immune to at home, either) and, for some countries, political instability.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • There is a risk that the old patchwork of national accounting rules will be replaced not by a pan-European regime but by another mishmash.

    ECONOMIST: Accounting standards

  • It is also a potent risk factor for ischemic stroke, increasing the risk of stroke 5-fold and accounting for approximately 15% of all strokes nationally.

    FORBES: DATA AT A DISTANCE: Thoughts on 'Digital Public Health'

  • Even when accounting for other related factors such as demographics and risk-taking behaviors, the correlation between televised sexual content and teen pregnancy persisted, she said.

    CNN: Study links sexual content on TV to teen pregnancy

  • Incurring billions of losses on bonds once thought to be among the safest bets in the market and recorded as risk-free in banks' balance sheets under European accounting rules would be traumatic.

    WSJ: Euro-Zone Bailouts Leave Public Creditors at a Loss

  • Enforcement will be the real challenge, assuming that all the cumbersome legislation goes forward on financial conglomerates, pensions, new capital-adequacy rules, risk capital for small businesses, clearing and settlement, accounting standards and insolvency rules.

    ECONOMIST: Laborious efforts towards a single market

  • In addition, customers for professionals services, including Audit Committees, have no comprehensive or effective way of vetting accounting firm partners assigned to the audit, tax, and key risk and compliance activities at their companies.

    FORBES: KPMG's Inside Trader: What The Auditor, and Skechers, Don't Want To Talk About

  • Some of these risks, according to Upendra Choudhary, senior vice president of credit services at Amba Research, include trading risk (some of these markets are thinly traded and have low liquidity), political risk and transparency risk (some areas have no or at least confusing accounting standards).

    FORBES: The Next Frontier

  • The quirks of the different accounting rules turn on its head the idea that investment banks are bigger risk takers than commercial banks--hence riskier investments.

    FORBES: Beware That Commercial Bank

  • "These banks are big and you can argue that these kinds of settlements have some mitigating effect on risk-taking, " says Gary Biddle, professor of accounting at the University of Hong Kong.

    CNN: Record fines: 'New normal' for banking business?

  • By taking the low-risk, high-return leap to use social tools, accounting and finance can become a seamless part of the fabric of the company and get the elusive respect and inclusion they have so long deserved.

    FORBES: #Accounting: Why Finance Teams Need to Get Social

  • In the name of "fairness, " preventing future Enrons, and increased oversight, Congress, the SEC and the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) have piled burdens onto the economy that put entrepreneurship at risk.

    WSJ: Washington Is Killing Silicon Valley

  • Immediately after the Sarbanes-Oxley law was passed, audit firms were unwilling to risk scrutiny by the PCAOB and potential litigation under Sarbanes-Oxley over questionable accounting treatments or ones they were possibly coerced into agreeing to or ignoring for the sake of the relationship.

    FORBES: Navistar Sues Deloitte Proving No Statute of Limitations On Idiocy

  • How can a rogue trader and risky transactions survive risk management systems absolutely required by Dodd-Frank, existing law, compliance, regulation and accounting standards?

    FORBES: UBS Goes Rogue: What Else Are Bankers Hiding In Their Drawers?

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