• Instead they need to realize that there is a reason he is so successful.


  • There is a reason why they were so successful, and we actually have to admit this and respect that.

    FORBES: BlackBerry Chief Heins Says Apple iPhone 'Old,' No Longer Innovative

  • The Evoque is a very successful export leader so there is no reason why that can't happen in the future.

    BBC: Jaguar Land Rover to create 800 new jobs

  • First, in some places - notably, Libya where an attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi resulted in the brutal murder of the American ambassador and three others assigned to that mission - there is no evidence that the film was even a pretext, let alone the real reason for what was, in fact, a disciplined, coordinated and successful act of jihad.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Team Obama's mendacity

  • Foreign food retailers, however, have been notably less successful in competing with Chinese retailers, perhaps for a related reason.

    FORBES: The Secret Of Success In China

  • Successful subscription models for music have proved elusive for a similar reason.

    ECONOMIST: Media conglomerates in the downturn

  • The other reason my company is successful is because we started with a big picture in mind.

    FORBES: Can Anyone Become An Entrepreneur?

  • People like Andy Rooney, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and the millions of people who never retire fully understand the significance of reason in examining and participating in life, and in developing a successful career.

    FORBES: Andy Rooney's Career Leadership Lesson

  • "The biggest single reason that the NFL has been successful is that we have in effect a form of socialism, " says Hunt.

    FORBES: Cowboy capitalism

  • "The biggest single reason that the NFL has been successful is that we have in effect a form of socialism, " says Kansas City Chiefs owner Hunt.

    FORBES: Cowboy Capitalism

  • As it is, taking the project away from a successful private firm, AirAsia, and giving it to a government-owned monopoly hardly seems reason for cheer.

    ECONOMIST: Malaysia's airport controversy

  • "Ghana has organized five previous successful elections, and there should not be any reason why this year's election should not be successful, " Mahama said in a statement.


  • "Ghana has organized five previous successful elections, and there should not be any reason why this year's election should not be successful, " the president said in a written statement.


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