• Sitting on stage before a hundred or so students, Mr. Larijani looks taken aback and says nothing.

    WSJ: Iran's YouTube Generation

  • There were only a hundred or so hedge funds in Europe at the time of Capella's launch.

    FORBES: Constellation manager

  • But while a typical cockpit may have a hundred or so switches, a single Linux server has hundreds of config files with thousands of controls.

    FORBES: Why Adopting the Declarative Programming Practices Will Improve Your Return from Technology

  • Suzuki showed a patient structural command, giving an arc-like shape to the Kyrie by waiting a hundred or so bars before applying a substantial crescendo.

    NEWYORKER: The Book of Bach

  • But what really matters is a hundred or so companies, per year, that launch, find a market, execute, scale, learn, adjust and sail over the billion-dollar mark within two decades.

    FORBES: What Grows An Economy?

  • British fashion designer Paul Smith took a break from overseeing his clothing empire to talk to a hundred or so fans and curious observers at the Apple Store in Covent Garden, London on Wednesday night.

    FORBES: Designer Paul Smith Meets Apple Faithful, Talks Career, Fashion And iPod Covers

  • At the very least, there's no question here that BlackBerry knows just how important app selection is the future of its company, and as such, has been working overtime to make developers a key focus, with a hundred or so members of its evangelist team.

    ENGADGET: The Engadget Interview: BlackBerry developer evangelist Tom Anderson (video)

  • More a squatters' camp than a village, it nevertheless offers a shabby air of permanence, with at least a hundred or so Zulus residing in corrugated tin shacks and cardboard shanties, all either on their way to someplace else or with no other place to go.

    NPR: One Boy's Heroism in the Face of AIDS

  • Down the road a hundred meters or so, Six-Seven's vehicle commander and air guards had dismounted and were standing around in the ditch.

    NPR: 'Operation Homecoming': The Writings of War

  • That lead was built by the more than 4, 500 DocuColor 2000 series printers installed to date, compared with probably fewer than a couple of hundred or so NexPress systems.

    FORBES: Readers Say

  • Apart from a hundred-or-so, mostly Democratic congressmen who have declared their opposition to such further arming of the Saudis, scarcely a discouraging word has been heard about the whole matter.


  • True, we have a lot more choices (often aided by technology) about precisely how we do these things in the modern world but we are still built by a hundred thousand years or so of our own species, tens of millions of years of mammalian evolution, into ending up with slightly different brains and slightly different interests to go along with our very different gonads.

    FORBES: How To Increase Business Profits: Go Sexist

  • It was thinly forested, with a sign every hundred yards or so describing the flora in Japanese.

    NEWYORKER: Master of Play

  • So to offer someone a few hundred thousand or 50, 000 or whatever in cash is small fry, so there's a lot of money involved.


  • Haaren says businesses like American Express, Amazon, United Health and Aetna are some of many realizing that hiring more virtual workers gives them access to millions of potential candidates rather than the hundred or so within a 50-mile radius.

    FORBES: The Best-Paying Jobs You Can Do From Anywhere

  • On the hundred or so clear days a year when its summit is visible, McKinley is one of the most awe-inspiring sights on the continent.

    BBC: The train that takes on Alaska��s Mt McKinley

  • Over the past hundred years or so, a combination of the ubiquity of money and the growth of financial tools and resources has relegated barter to the marketplace minor leagues.

    FORBES: Is Barter Right For Your Small Business?

  • There is barely a Palestinian who does not view Islamic Jihad's ambush as an entirely just response to a situation where 120, 000 Palestinians are held hostage to the messianic ambitions of a few hundred armed settlers and their 1, 500 or so army protectors.

    ECONOMIST: Taking a harder line

  • Teams of ten or so, each ensconced in an area of perhaps a hundred square meters, handle most of a product's assembly.

    FORBES: American Gothic

  • Fourteen hundred is a pretty low figure if you consider that there are some 20, 000 or so madrassas in Pakistan with 1.7 million students.

    NPR: Pakistan to Expel Foreign Students at Religious Schools

  • Each one is stuffed with several hundred tiny glass spheres or shards, of random size and glued in place in a random pattern so that each token, which can be inserted in a credit card, is unique.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • But it was true, profoundly so, especially when I lived by myself in DC or during the hundred or so times when just the two of us watched the sun descend prettily over a trout stream.

    FORBES: Dogs and Blogs

  • "There are, I would probably say, a hundred million things I didn't know about this process or how it was going to work, so every single day has been a revelation some good, some bad, " she says.

    NPR: Jeri Thompson Brings Political Fervor to Campaign

  • If there are people willing to pay hundreds, or even thousands of dollars for old sneakers, is it really so terrible to ask a few hundred for new ones?

    FORBES: Memo to Urban League: Nike Thanks You for Being Outraged by $300-a-Pair Lebron's

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