李韶山 百科内容来自于: 百度百科


1986年在安徽师范大学生物系获理学学士学位,1989年获得硕士学位;1992年在华南师范大学植物生理学专业获博士学位。曾留学瑞典隆德大学(Lund University)、奥勒布鲁大学(Örebro University)以及美国威廉玛丽学院(College of William & Mary)。
多年来从事植物生理生态学研究,主要研究兴趣:(1)植物对UV-B辐射的生理生态响应;(2)入侵植物的生态适应性及其机理;(3)植物对重金属污染的生理生态响应。已主持承担3项国家自然科学基金、2项教育部博士学科点基金和留学回国科研启动基金项目。已在Cell Research, Planta, Physiologia Plantarum, Functional Plant Biology, Photochemical and Photobiolgy Sciences, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology, B: Biology,植物学报、生态学报、水生生物学报等国内外重要期刊发表学术论文一百余篇。作为主要成员获得广东省自然科学研究成果三等奖(2000)和广东省高教厅科研成果二等奖(1998)。作为主讲教授承担的华南师范大学《植物生理学》课程荣获“国家级精品课程”(2005)。被评为全国第三届教育硕士专业学位优秀教师(2012);指导教育硕士研究生荣获第二届全国优秀教育硕士专业学位论文(2010);荣获南粤科技创新优秀学术论文奖一等奖(2012)。


  1. Jiang Lei, Wang Yan, Li Qianfeng, Björn LO, He Junxian, Li Shaoshan*. Arabidopsis STO/BBX24 negatively regulates UV-B signaling by interacting with COP1 and repressing HY5 transcriptional activity. Cell Research. 2012, 22: 1046-1057 ( SCI收录,IF=10.526)
  2. Björn LO, Uvdal P, and Shaoshan Li. Ecological importance of the thermal emissivity of avian eggshells. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 2012, 301: 62-66 ( SCI收录,IF=2.371)
  3. Jiang Lei, Wang Yan, Björn LO, Li Shaoshan*. UV-B induced DNA damage mediates expression changes of cell cycle regulatory genes in Arabidopsis root tips. Planta, 2011, 233: 831-843. ( SCI收录,IF=3.372)
  4. Björn LO, Li Shaoshan. Near-surface silica does not increase radiative heat dissipation from plant leaves. Applied Physics Letters, 2011, 99. DOI: 10.1063/1.3607476 ( SCI收录,IF=3.820)
  5. Jiang Lei, Wang Yan, Björn LO, He Junxian, Li Shaoshan*.Sensing of ultraviolet-B radiation by plants. Plant Signaling & Behavior, 2012, 7(8): 999-1003
  6. Jiang Lei, Wang Yan, Björn LO, Li Shaoshan*. Does cell cycle arrest occur in plant under solar UV-B radiation? Plant Signaling & Behavior, 2011, 6 (6): 892-894
  7. Wang Yan, Smith W, Wang Xiaodong, Li Shaoshan. Subtle biological responses to increased CO2 concentrations by Phaeocystis globosa Scherffel, a harmful algal bloom species. Geophysical Research Letters, 2010, 37. DOI: 10.1029/2010GL042666 ( SCI收录,IF=3.505)
  8. Jiang Lei, Wang Yan, Björn LO, Li Shaoshan*. Arabidopsis RADICAL-INDUCED CELL DEATH1 is involved in UV-B signaling. Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences, 2009, 8: 838-846 ( SCI收录,IF=2.708)
  9. Li Shaoshan, Nie Zhigang, Wang Yan. Heavy metal induced DNA damage in plant measured by single cell gel electrophoresis. Toxicology Letters, Volume 180, Supplement 1, 5 October 2008, Page S200 ( SCI收录,IF=3.581)
  10. Kalbina I, Li Shaoshan, Kalbin G, Björn L O, Strid Å. Two separate UV-B radiation wavelength regions control expression of different molecular markers in Arabidopsis thaliana. Functional Plant Biology, 2008, 35(3):222-227 ( SCI收录,IF=2.156 )
  11. Jiang Lei, Wang Yan, Li Shaoshan*, Application of the comet assay to measure DNA damage induced by UV radiation in the hydrophyte, Spirodela polyrhiza. Physiologia Plantarum, 2007, 129: 652-657 ( SCI收录,IF=3.067)
  12. Li Shaoshan, Kalbin G, Olsman H, Pettersson M, Engwall M, Strid Å, Effects of UV-B in biological and chemical systems: Equipment for wavelength dependence determination. Journal of Biochemical and Biophysical Methods, 2005, 65: 1-12 ( SCI收录,IF=1.994)
  13. Li Shaoshan and Strid Å, Anthocyanin accumulation and changes in CHS and PR-5 gene expression in Arabidopsis thaliana after removal of the inflorescence stem (decapitation). Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2005, 43(6): 521-525 ( SCI收录,IF=2.401)
  14. Li Shaoshan, Wang Yan, Björn LO, Effects of temperature on UV-B-induced DNA damage and photorepair in Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2004, 16 (1): 173-176 ( SCI收录,IF=1.513)
  15. Li Shaoshan, Paulsson M, Björn LO, Temperature-dependent formation and photorepair of DNA damage induced by UV-B radiation in suspension-cultured tobacco cells. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology, B: Biology, 2002, 66 (1): 67-72 ( SCI收录,IF=2.116)
  16. Li Shaoshan, Wang Yan, Wang Xiaojing, Bin Jinhua and Liu Songhao. CPDs accumulation in relation to UV-B sensitivity in rice cultivars. Acta Botanica Sinica, 2000, 42 (6): 576-581 ( SCI收录,IF=1.603)
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