孤儿作品(orphan work)是指享有版权但很难、甚至不能找到其版权主体的作品。
Google will be able to display up to 20% of orphan works for free, include them in its subscription deals to libraries and sell them to individual buyers under the consumer licence.
The US Congress, followed by the EU, could change the rules about orphan works, and in particular about the strict liability that copyright infringement carries.
在和解协议初稿中,Google独家享有处理“孤儿作品”(译注:orphan works,孤儿作品是指享有版权但很难、甚至不能找到其版权主体的作品)以及无法找到版权主人的绝版图书的权力。
The original draft settlement would have given Google sole authority over "orphan works", or out-of-print books whose copyright holder cannot be found.