...编译:刘海平 心理理论(theory of mind,ToM)是指个体根据一定的知识系统对自身或他人的心理状态进行推测,并据此对行为做出因果性解释与预测的能力。
人际观系的障碍,对他人情绪的推测力,也就是有 精神理论 ( Theory of mind )障碍的特徴。对特定(_zhang4 ai4 de0 te4 zheng1 _dui4 te4 ding4)的范畴会表现出特别执着,运动机能也会显现出轻微障碍。
composition theory of mind 精神复合说
Children's Theory of Mind 儿童心理理论
Theory of Mind Training 想法解读训练 ; 心智解读训练
interpretive theory of mind 解释性心理理论 ; 心理理论
theory of mind ToM 心理理论
The Computational Theory of Mind 计算理论
Computational Theory of Mind 心智的计算理论
game theory of mind 脑神经经济学与博弈论
The neural mechanism in Theory of Mind has not yet led to a consensus.
参考来源 - 自我和他人的协调与心理理论的神经机制His theory of mind, which is "from spontaneousness to self\|congratulation", is the academic foundation stone of his literary theory concept and aesthetic tropism.
而其文论观和审美取向的理论基石 ,是陈白沙“以自然为宗而要归于自得”的心学。
参考来源 - 论陈白沙的文论倾向和山林散文艺术——从陈白沙“自然”、“自得”说谈起·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
以上来源于: WordNet
The prefrontal cortex is key to theory of mind.
But we shouldn't assume that because an animal does poorly on a test, it doesn't have self-recognition or a theory of mind.
To test the emergence of 'theory of mind' the researchers wanted to find out whether children could pass a false belief test.
Instead, he's known for the development of an encompassing theory of mind, one that he developed over the span of many decades.
But the great question is to keep your mind think about a possibility of the--body theory.