the First Folio of Shakespeare 从莎士比亚的剧作原着
It was also the fist play to be printed in the First Folio.
Scholars who work on publishing many of the plays make careful choices about whether to use words from the First Folio, or the Quartos.
So look at now has the first folio edition slide And this is actually digitized version at high resolution of that particular quotation from Hamlet and then it goes on in the normal way.
这张是第一对开本的幻灯片,这是电子版, 高分辨率的是那句哈姆雷特经典台词,其他照旧。
Scholars who work on publishing make careful choices many of the plays about whether to use words from the First Folio,or the Quartos.
VOA: special.2010.01.13
So look at now has the first folio edition slide And this is actually digitized version at high resolution of that particular quotation from Hamlet and then it goes on in the normal way.