She's in the running for Song Of The Year for "Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It),"
VOA: standard.2010.01.25
The whole system essentially consists of three categories of plays: (1) Tebow gives the ball to a running back, (2) Tebow pretends to give the ball to a running back and throws it instead or (3) Tebow pretends to give the ball to a running back and then runs it himself.
The issue is that Jones-Drew, who is only 27-years-old, has been informed about the short shelf life of an NFL player (particularly a running back), may be entering the best years of his career (from a production standpoint), and wants to take advantage of his limited opportunity to capitalize on his proven ability to rack up rushing yards (he had 1, 606 yards rushing in 2011).
In preparing a proposal for a new park, we estimate our costs for running a park (a very labor intensive proposition), compare that to the revenues from the park, and bid a certain amount of rent we will pay each year as a fee for the rights to operate the park.