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[ruːlz] [ruːlz]

  • n. 规章,条例;(语言、科学等的)规则,法则;行事准则,指导方针(rule 的复式)
  • v. 统治,管辖;支配,控制;占首要地位;(尤指对法律问题)判定,裁定(rule 的第三人称单数)



3 控制元件 规则 (Rules) :定义元件或流体在其它元件间的传递规 则,它控制着模型的动态结构和运行机制。



... 度量衡的总称〖ageneralnameofmeasurementsofallkinds〗 法式;章程,规格〖rules;regulations〗 典范;法度〖model;law;standard〗 ...



...策_土地管理_毕业设计论文网 关键词:住房公积金;条例;上海市;归集额 [gap=992]Key words:housing accumulation fund; rules; Shanghai municipality; the amount of imputation ...



... 族类〖race〗 事例;条例〖example;regulations;rules〗 通“颣”。缺点,毛病〖fault〗 ...



Rules of Engagement 交战规则 ; 约会规则 ; 约会法则 ; 火线冲突

Hund's rules 洪特规则 ; 洪德定则

competition rules 比赛规则 ; 赛规则 ; 竞赛规程 ; 赛制

The Cider House Rules 心尘往事 ; 苹果酒屋法则 ; 苹果酒屋的法则

rules of evidence 数字证据规则 ; 证明规则

Hague Rules 海牙规则 ; 海牙法则 ; 海牙规矩 ; 海牙轨则

Baseball rules 棒球规则

Exposure Rules 曝光法则 ; 曝光规律 ; 曝光规则 ; 曝光法令

business rules 业务规则 ; 业务规矩 ; 商务规则

  • 法规 - 引用次数:795

    In some laws, rules or regulations are overlaps and competing.


    参考来源 - 论刑事责任与行政责任的立法协调(研究生论文)
  • 规则 - 引用次数:8874

    Different fusion rules are studied in this paper.


    参考来源 - 多传感器图像融合方法研究
  • 规律 - 引用次数:1251

    The evolvement rules of the Logistics Park.


    参考来源 - 物流园区演化机理与布局优化方法的研究
  • 體例 - 引用次数:13

    参考来源 - 《字鉴》研究
  • 规程 - 引用次数:16

    The gauged experiment was presented according to national metrological verification rules. Result indicated that accuracy class of the novel system is 1.5.


    参考来源 - 基于超声多普勒方法的管道流量测量研究
  • 规范 - 引用次数:14

    Results:(1) Migration and transformation indicators and physiological health damage indicators were established for cadmium pollution based on operating rules in part 1.


    参考来源 - 环境污染人群健康损害评估体系研究
  • 规制 - 引用次数:7

    There were a series of rules including in charge of teaching managing, fund, books, block, guarding, teaching party. The rules gave guarantee for the normal teaching activity and also form an example for later Shuyuan.


    参考来源 - 阮元与学海堂研究
  • 法则 - 引用次数:15

    Tao ? also indicates the rules and laws for the2development of the universe, the nltimate human cognizance, Tao ?


    参考来源 - 论庄子的人生观教育思想



  • n.
    • a principle or condition that customarily governs behavior

      "it was his rule to take a walk before breakfast"

      同义词: regulation

    • something regarded as a normative example

      "violence is the rule not the exception"

      同义词: convention normal pattern formula

    • prescribed guide for conduct or action

      同义词: prescript

    • (linguistics) a rule describing (or prescribing) a linguistic practice

      同义词: linguistic rule

    • a basic generalization that is accepted as true and that can be used as a basis for reasoning or conduct

      同义词: principle

    • a rule or law concerning a natural phenomenon or the function of a complex system

      "the right-hand rule for inductive fields"

      同义词: principle

    • the duration of a monarch's or government's power

      "during the rule of Elizabeth"

    • dominance or power through legal authority

      "the rule of Caesar"

      同义词: dominion

    • directions that define the way a game or sport is to be conducted

      "he knew the rules of chess"

    • any one of a systematic body of regulations defining the way of life of members of a religious order

      "the rule of St. Dominic"

    • (mathematics) a standard procedure for solving a class of mathematical problems

      "he determined the upper bound with Descartes' rule of signs"

      同义词: formula

    • measuring stick consisting of a strip of wood or metal or plastic with a straight edge that is used for drawing straight lines and measuring lengths

      同义词: ruler

  • v.
    • exercise authority over; as of nations

      同义词: govern

    • decide with authority

      同义词: decree

    • be larger in number, quantity, power, status or importance

      同义词: predominate dominate reign prevail

    • decide on and make a declaration about

      同义词: find

    • have an affinity with; of signs of the zodiac
    • mark or draw with a ruler

      "rule the margins"

    • keep in check

      "rule one's temper"

      同义词: harness rein

以上来源于: WordNet


Rules /ruːlz/


set of rules 规则组

arbitration rules 仲裁规则

administrative rules 行政法规;管理行政规定(administrative rule的复数)

rules of procedure 议事规则;程序规则

school rules 校规;学校规章制度

competition rules 比赛规则

provisional rules 暂行条例;暂行规则;暂行条款

uniform rules 统一规则

rules of thumb 经验法则;拇指规则

conflict rules 冲突法规

working rules 工作规则;操作惯例

break rules 犯规;破例

rules of evidence 证据规则

work rules 就业规则

library rules 图书室使用规定;图书馆制度(library rule的复数形式)

rules of engagement 交战规则;约会规则(电视剧名字);火线冲突(电影名字)

disobey the rules 违抗规定



  • There are rules that restrict the kinds of jobs that foreign students can have while studying in the United States.

    VOA: special.2009.01.15

  • When you don't have to worry about criteria like that ordinary, mechanical energy rules supreme, and that's dictating where equilibrium lies.


    麻省理工公开课 - 热力学与动力学课程节选

  • I mean that, that's an endemic problem. But, you know, I mean the rules are actually pretty simple.


    经常犯的失误 - SpeakingMax英语口语达人




歌曲信息 歌手: Shakira 所属专辑:《Laundry Service / She Wolf》 发行时间:2011-09-19 所属公司:SONY&BMG 歌曲标签:电子 拉丁 流行 摇滚 流行摇滚 歌手信息 中文名:夏奇拉·伊莎贝尔·迈巴拉克·里波尔 外文名: Shakira·Isabel·Mebarak·Ripoll 国籍: 哥伦比亚 出生地: 哥伦比亚巴兰基里亚 出生日期: 1977.02.02 职业: 歌手 血型: A型 身高: 1.62米 夏奇拉,全名:夏奇拉·伊莎贝尔·迈巴拉克·里波尔,出生于哥伦比亚小城,而今,Shakira除了一再地获得各种音乐奖项的肯定外,更被极具影响力与极高荣耀指标的美国时代杂志选为杂志封面人物,被推举为当今Latin艺人的代表人物。


以上来源于: 百度百科


set of rules 规则组

arbitration rules 仲裁规则

administrative rules 行政法规;管理行政规定(administrative rule的复数)

rules of procedure 议事规则;程序规则

school rules 校规;学校规章制度

competition rules 比赛规则

provisional rules 暂行条例;暂行规则;暂行条款

uniform rules 统一规则

rules of thumb 经验法则;拇指规则

conflict rules 冲突法规

working rules 工作规则;操作惯例

break rules 犯规;破例

rules of evidence 证据规则

work rules 就业规则

library rules 图书室使用规定;图书馆制度(library rule的复数形式)

rules of engagement 交战规则;约会规则(电视剧名字);火线冲突(电影名字)

disobey the rules 违抗规定

- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定