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[red] [red]

  • adj. 红的,红色的;(毛发)红褐色的;(脸)涨红的;(眼睛)红肿的;革命的,激进的;(人)红种的;(纸牌中)红桃的,红方块的;(葡萄酒)红的;(表示停止)红(灯),红(旗);被禁止的,危险的;(滑雪道上用红色标志指示)第二高难度的;(物理)表示夸克三种颜色之一的红色;赤色的(尤指冷战期间用于指前苏联);沾有鲜血的;(古或诗/文)流血的;(科萨人)来自传统部落文化的
  • n. 红色,红颜料;红衣;红葡萄酒;红色物(或人);赤字,亏空;激进分子
  • n. (Red)雷德(人名)

[ 复数 reds 第三人称单数 reds 现在分词 redding 过去式 redded 过去分词 redded 比较级 redder或more red 最高级 reddest或most red ]



E R D 这其中最流行的是实体关系图 ; 实体联系图 ; 系图 ; 实体关系图

E-house China R&D Institute 易居房地产研究院

  • 红色 - 引用次数:169

    TLC analysis result showed that red pigment in young leaves and flowers of Nenyehong had almost the same color component.


    参考来源 - 期刊学术社区
  • 红色 - 引用次数:384

    Fourth chapter mainly elaborated the contemporary“the red classics”.


    参考来源 - 俄苏“红色经典”与中国当代“红色经典”的比较研究
  • 赤字;亏空
  • 红色
  • 红色
  • 红色的


red [ red ]

  • n.
    • red color or pigment; the chromatic color resembling the hue of blood

      同义词: redness

    • a tributary of the Mississippi River that flows eastward from Texas along the southern boundary of Oklahoma and through Louisiana

      同义词: Red River

    • emotionally charged terms used to refer to extreme radicals or revolutionaries

      同义词: Bolshevik Marxist bolshie bolshy

    • the amount by which the cost of a business exceeds its revenue

      "the company operated in the red last year"

      同义词: loss red ink

  • adj.
    • of a color at the end of the color spectrum (next to orange); resembling the color of blood or cherries or tomatoes or rubies

      同义词: reddish ruddy blood-red carmine cerise cherry cherry-red crimson ruby ruby-red scarlet

    • characterized by violence or bloodshed

      "convulsed with red rage"

      同义词: crimson violent

    • (especially of the face) reddened or suffused with or as if with blood from emotion or exertion

      "turned red from exertion"; "with puffy reddened eyes"; "red-faced and violent"

      同义词: crimson reddened red-faced flushed

    • red with or characterized by blood

      "waving our red weapons o'er our heads"; "the red rules of tooth and claw"

以上来源于: WordNet


red /rɛd/ CET4 TEM4 ( redder, reddest, reds )

  • 1. 

    COLOR Something that is red is the colour of blood or fire. 红色 (的)


    ...a bunch of red roses.


  • 2. 

    ADJ If you say that someone's face is red, you mean that it is redder than its normal colour, because they are embarrassed, angry, or out of breath. 脸红的


    With a bright red face I was forced to admit that I had no real idea.


  • 3. 

    ADJ You describe someone's hair as red when it is between red and brown in colour. (头发) 红褐色的


    ...a girl with red hair.


  • 4. 

    N-MASS You can refer to red wine as red. 红葡萄酒


    The spicy flavours in these dishes call for reds rather than whites.


  • 5. 

    ADJ If a U.S. state is described as red, it means that the majority of its residents vote for the Republican Party in elections, especially in the presidential elections. 支持共和党的


    ...policies that could guarantee her enough support in red states to win the White House in 2008.


  • 6. 

    V → a variant spelling of redd

  • 7. 

    PHRASE If a person or company is in the red or if their bank account is in the red, they have spent more money than they have in their account and therefore they owe money to the bank. 负债的


    The theatre is $500,000 in the red.


  • 8. 

    PHRASE If you see red, you suddenly become very angry. 勃然大怒


    I didn't mean to break his nose. I just saw red.



in the red 负债,亏损;赤字

in red 穿红衣

red wine 红葡萄酒

red cross n. 红十字会

red army n. 红军

red blood 血性

red light 危险信号,红灯

bright red 鲜红;亮红色

into the red 负债;财政情况欠佳

red sea n. 红海(印度洋西北的长形内海,在亚洲阿拉伯半岛同非洲东北部之间)

ruby red 宝石红

deep red 深红色

red rose n. 红玫瑰;[史]英国兰开斯特家族族徽

red carpet (迎接贵宾用的)红地毯;隆重的接待

dark red 深红色,暗红色

red pigment 红色颜料,红颜料

red meat 红色肉类(牛肉,羊肉等)

see red 突然发怒,大怒

red soil 红壤;红土

red mud 赤泥;红泥



  • R&D, i. e. Research & Development, is a whole process that includes basic theory research, technology research, products development and marketing development.



  • Ninth, optimize various mechanisms in the enterprise, i. e. the systems of brand, culture, marketing, R&D, and human resources.



  • But the calculated mean energy of adsorption, e, from the D-R isotherm, gives information about the chemical or physical properties of the sorption.

    但是d - R等温线计算所得平均吸附能量E给出了吸附化学或者物理性质信息


  • A list of American colleges and universities that offer financial aid to foreign students can be found at edupass.org -- e-d-u-p-a-s-s dot o-r-g.

    VOA: special.2009.02.05

  • There was a huge old insurrection called the Fronde, f-r-o-n-d-e.


    耶鲁公开课 - 欧洲文明课程节选

  • And this one, I was skiing out in Salt Lake City and the name of a building out there was Reid with R-E-I-D and it sounded good at the time."

    VOA: special.2009.07.06


in the red 负债,亏损;赤字

in red 穿红衣

red wine 红葡萄酒

red cross n. 红十字会

red army n. 红军

red blood 血性

red light 危险信号,红灯

bright red 鲜红;亮红色

into the red 负债;财政情况欠佳

red sea n. 红海(印度洋西北的长形内海,在亚洲阿拉伯半岛同非洲东北部之间)

ruby red 宝石红

deep red 深红色

red rose n. 红玫瑰;[史]英国兰开斯特家族族徽

red carpet (迎接贵宾用的)红地毯;隆重的接待

dark red 深红色,暗红色

red pigment 红色颜料,红颜料

red meat 红色肉类(牛肉,羊肉等)

see red 突然发怒,大怒

red soil 红壤;红土

red mud 赤泥;红泥

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