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[ˈnjuːtrəl] [ˈnuːtrəl]

  • adj. 中立的,不偏不倚的;中性的,不带感情色彩的;暗淡的,素净的;(化学中)中性的,非酸非碱的;不带电的
  • n. (车辆排挡的)空挡;中立者,中立国;素净色,中和色;不活动,停滞;不带电的接触点

[ 复数 neutrals 比较级 more neutral 最高级 most neutral ]


  • 中性点 - 引用次数:396

    Small current earth at neutral point is popular in power distribution networks.


    参考来源 - 小电流接地系统单相接地故障选线新方法研究
    中性的 - 引用次数:1

    The electrochemical corrosion behaviours of the composite coating in 0.5 mol L-1 H2SO4,0.6 mol L-1 NaOH,0.6 mol L-1 Na2SO4 and neutral 3.5 wt.

    通过EIS和电化学极化测试研究了该镀层在0.5 mol L-1 H2SO4, 0.6 mol L-1 NaOH,0.6 mol L-1 Na2SO4和中性的3.5wt.%NaCl腐蚀介质中的电化学腐蚀行为。

    参考来源 - 烧结型NdFeB永磁体表面功能性膜层的制备及性能研究
  • 中性的 - 引用次数:18

    参考来源 - 功能化钌卡宾烯烃复分解催化剂的合成及性能研究
  • 中性的 - 引用次数:5

    Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) is an efficient, flexible and policy-neutral access control technology. Specifically for a large and complex systems, it is even more efficient and secure.


    参考来源 - 访问控制技术的理论与方法的研究
  • 中和 - 引用次数:13

    It suggests vaccine can stimulate strong immunity response in serum. HAI antibody is 1: 113±1.5, neutral antibody is 1: 221±82 after 2 weeks with twice immune.


    参考来源 - 滴鼻高致病性人禽流感H5N1灭活疫苗的制备及免疫效果的初步研究
  • 空挡
  • 中立型 - 引用次数:352

    The oscillation of neutral functional differential equations has important implications in both theory and application.


    参考来源 - 具有正负系数的二阶非线性中立型方程的非振动准则
  • 中立型 - 引用次数:2

    In Chapter 3, a neutral delay predator-prey system with HollingⅡfunctional response is investigated. By using a fixed point theorem of strict-set-contraction, a new criterion is established for the existence of positive periodic solution of the system.


    参考来源 - 两类生态数学模型的动力学性质
  • 空档 - 引用次数:1

    参考来源 - 无级变速器快速控制原型研究
  • 不带电的
  • 中和 - 引用次数:8

    Style imagery is the embodiment of Chinese ideology of Yin and Yang in the field of the art of calligraphy,and it has apodicticity in aesthetic concept and interprets virile,feminine and neutral beauty.


    参考来源 - 书法美学意象研究


neutral [ 'nju:trəl ]

  • n. one who does not side with any party in a war or dispute
  • adj.
    • neither moral nor immoral; neither good nor evil, right nor wrong
    • having no personal preference

      "a neutral observer"

      同义词: impersonal

    • having only a limited ability to react chemically; chemically inactive

      同义词: inert indifferent

    • not supporting or favoring either side in a war, dispute, or contest
    • having no net electric charge; not electrified

      同义词: electroneutral

    • of something that is lacking hue

      "neutral colors like back or white"

    • possessing no distinctive quality or characteristics
    • lacking distinguishing quality or characteristics

      "a neutral personality that made no impression whatever"

以上来源于: WordNet


neutral /ˈnjuːtrəl/ CET4 TEM4

  • 1. 

    ADJ If a person or country adopts a neutral position or remains neutral, they do not support anyone in a disagreement, war, or contest. 中立的


    Let's meet on neutral territory.


  • 2. 

    N-COUNT A neutral is someone who is neutral. 中立者


    It was a good game to watch for the neutrals.


  • 3. 

    neutrality N-UNCOUNT 中立


    ...a reputation for political neutrality and impartiality.


  • 4. 

    ADJ If someone speaks in a neutral voice or if the expression on their face is neutral, they do not show what they are thinking or feeling. 不动声色的


    Isabel put her magazine down and said in a neutral voice, "You're very late, darling."


  • 5. 

    neutrality N-UNCOUNT 不动声色


    I noticed, behind the neutrality of his gaze, a deep weariness.


  • 6. 

    ADJ If you say that something is neutral, you mean that it does not have any effect on other things because it lacks any significant qualities of its own, or it is an equal balance of two or more different qualities, amounts, or ideas. 不引起变化的; 中和的


    Three in every five interviewed felt that the budget was neutral and they would be no better off.


  • 7. 

    N-UNCOUNT Neutral is the position between the gears of a vehicle such as a car, in which the gears are not connected to the engine. 空档


    Graham put the van in neutral and jumped out into the road.


  • 8. 

    ADJ In an electrical device or system, the neutral wire is one of the three wires needed to complete the circuit so that the current can flow. The other two wires are called the ground wire and the live or positive wire. (电线) 不带电的 (三股中的一股,其它两股分别叫做地线和火线)


    The ground wire in the house is connected to the neutral wire.


  • 9. 

    COLOR Neutral is used to describe things that have a pale colour such as cream or grey, or that have no colour at all. 浅灰色的; 无色的


    At the horizon the land mass becomes a continuous pale neutral grey, almost blending with the sky.


  • 10. 

    ADJ In chemistry, neutral is used to describe things that are neither acid nor alkaline. (化学上) 中性的


    Pure water is neutral with a pH of 7.



neutral point 中性点;中和点

neutral grounding 中性接地;中点接地

neutral salt 中性盐;中式盐

neutral position 空档位置;中间位置;中性位置;空挡

neutral axis n. 中性轴

neutral detergent 中性洗涤剂,中性去污剂

neutral protease 中性蛋白酶

neutral red 中性红

risk neutral 风险中性;风险中立

neutral line 中性线;中线

carbon neutral 碳中和;碳平衡

neutral plane [电]中和平面

neutral atmosphere 中性气氛;中性大气;中性蒙气

neutral surface 中性面

neutral wire 中线;中性线

neutral current 中性流;中性线电流

neutral beam 中性束

neutral ground 中性点接地

neutral atom 中性原子



neutral point 中性点;中和点

neutral grounding 中性接地;中点接地

neutral salt 中性盐;中式盐

neutral position 空档位置;中间位置;中性位置;空挡

neutral axis n. 中性轴

neutral detergent 中性洗涤剂,中性去污剂

neutral protease 中性蛋白酶

neutral red 中性红

risk neutral 风险中性;风险中立

neutral line 中性线;中线

carbon neutral 碳中和;碳平衡

neutral plane [电]中和平面

neutral atmosphere 中性气氛;中性大气;中性蒙气

neutral surface 中性面

neutral wire 中线;中性线

neutral current 中性流;中性线电流

neutral beam 中性束

neutral ground 中性点接地

neutral atom 中性原子

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