• 什么事都非要把政治扯进去吗?

    Do you have to drag politics into everything?


  • 为什么他们总是非要诉诸暴力不可呢?

    Why do they always have to resort to violence ?


  • 我们非要这种节目吗?

    Do we have to watch this pants programme?


  • 明白为什么非要解释的行为不可。

    I really don't see why I should have to explain myself to you.


  • 不能理解为什么非要如此粗鲁地对待一位朋友

    I could not understand why she felt compelled to behave so rudely to a friend.


  • 这里巴黎不一定非要巴黎。

    This is Paris. It wouldn't have to be Paris.


  • 不必非要看完所有的书才写作

    You don't have to read everything to write.


  • 这一切都是因为非要辆汽车

    All because you must needs go and steal a motor-car.


  • 如果非要走动的话顺着溪流走,除非你对熟悉。但是如果你很熟悉,不会迷路了

    If you must move, don't follow a stream unless you know it, and in that case, you are not lost.


  • 为什么人们非要街上呢?

    Why do people persist in begging for money in the street?


  • 为什么非要离婚的事呢?

    Why do you have to keep dragging up my divorce?


  • 非要强迫着极不情愿去做事。

    He had to be dragged kicking and screaming into action.


  • 并不一定非要,对吧?

    I don't really need to go, do I?


  • 不一定非要抓住罪犯之后能够索赔

    The perpetrator of the crime does not have to be traced before you can claim compensation.


  • 非要我们吃蛋糕不可

    She kept pressing cake on us.


  • 发觉楼梯上迎面过来非要与我说话。

    I found myself cornered by her on the stairs.


  • 非要一命呜呼时候医生才会来看你!

    You'd have to be practically on your deathbed before the doctor would come and see you!


  • 然而通常此类攻击意在造成破坏非要性命

    As a rule, however, such attacks have been aimed at causing damage rather than taking life.


  • 没有进行自我惩罚,非要放弃所有奢侈品

    No one is asking you to put on a hair shirt and give up all your luxuries.


  • 不想,它非要来。

    It came because it knew I did not want it.


  • 如果你们非要跳绳的话,人行道上跳。

    If you have to jump rope, do it in on the sidewalk.


  • 不是非要百万富翁不可,虽然也不是坏事。

    I don't have to be a millionaire, though that wouldn't be bad.


  • 如果非要异想天开来找乐子的话,一个别的头衔

    Humour thy fancy, if thou must, but choose some other title.


  • 希望每个听众知道了解不必非要个人悲剧中吸取教训。

    She wanted everyone in the audience to know what she knew without having to learn it from a personal tragedy.


  • 非要起重机来了才能装运吗?

    Must we wait till the crane arrives before we start loading?


  • 为什么非要下个月不可

    Why should it be put off till next month?


  • 纳闷为什么我们非要来看这种附庸风雅的片子

    I don't understand why we always have to go see such artsy-fartsy movies.


  • 难道非要一些无聊课程

    Maybe I will have to take some boring lessons.


  • 这件事情是不是非要现在完成

    Is this something that must be done now?


  • 这件事情是不是非要现在完成

    Is this something that must be done now?


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