• 国际自然保护联盟警告某些大猩猩种群濒临灭绝。

    Some gorilla species are close to extinction, warns the International Union for Conservation of Nature. Photograph: guardian.


  • 国际自然保护联盟更新名单宣布此项变化

    The change was announced as part of an update to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List.


  • 国际自然保护联盟更新名单宣布此项变化

    Thee change was announced as part of an update to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List.


  • 2008年以来,国际自然保护联盟巽他云豹列为濒危物种

    Since 2008, the Sunda clouded leopard has been listed as vulnerable by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature.


  • 但是国际自然保护联盟提醒:数量回升可能短期的。

    But the rebound could be short-lived, the IUCN warned.


  • 但是国际自然保护联盟提醒:数量回升可能短期的。

    Butt the rebound could be short-lived, the IUCN warned.


  • 按照国际自然保护联盟说法,西班牙印度尼西亚属于恶劣的嫌犯

    Spain and Indonesia are among the worst culprits, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature.


  • 大猩猩四个亚种国际自然保护联盟列为濒危动物或者极度濒危动物。

    All four subspecies of gorillas are listed as endangered or critically endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature.


  • 新的站点国际自然保护联盟巴塞罗那召开会议中已确立。

    The new site is being launched at the International Union for the Conservationof Nature's world conservation congress in Barcelona.


  • 按照国际自然保护联盟说法,西班牙印度尼西亚属于恶劣的嫌犯

    Spain and Indonesia are among the worst culprits , according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature .


  • 咨询机构-国际自然保护联盟警告说宣称这个群岛已脱离过度捕捞威胁还为时过早

    Its consulting body, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, warned it was "premature" to declare the islands out of danger from threats including overfishing.


  • 然而动物园里51哺乳动物鸟类只有7种国际自然保护联盟列为濒危物种

    Yet of the 51 mammal and bird species at his zoo only seven are classed as threatened by the International Union for Conservation of Nature.


  • 作为地球大型齿鲸类,抹香鲸已经被国际自然保护联盟列入灭绝风险野外物种之列。

    The largest toothed whales on Earth, sperm whales are listed as vulnerable-or facing a high risk of extinction in the wild-by the International Union for Conservation of Nature.


  • 史密斯博士谈到一个帮助坦桑尼亚北部居民更好地管理水源国际自然保护联盟计划

    Smith spoke about an IUCN project to help people in northern Tanzania better manage their water.


  • 国际自然保护联盟IUCN红色名单更新时候,滚滚移出了濒危物种名单。 。

    Thee change was announced as part of an update to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List.


  • 国际自然保护联盟将这个深海物种列入危名单,新的报告,英格兰水域以前从未发现过这个深海物种。

    Listed as near threatenedby the International Union for Conservation of Nature, the deep-seaspecies native had previously been unknown in Greenland waters, the newreport says.


  • 到目前为止,四成的老虎已经灭绝了,剩下成都列国际自然保护联盟的极度濒危名单之内。

    Since then, four species have gone extinct, and the remaining six are all on the IUCN’s critically endangered list.


  • 到目前为止,四成的老虎已经灭绝了,剩下成都国际自然保护联盟的极度濒危名单之内。

    Since then, four species have gone extinct, and the remaining six are all on the IUCN's critically endangered list.


  • 整个国家生存方式受到威胁,”国际自然保护联盟carl GustafLundin说道

    "Whole nations will be threatened in terms of their existence," said Carl Gustaf Lundin of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature.


  • 国际自然保护联盟这个物种衰落主要原因是棕榈油种植园其他人类用地使森林栖息地丧失

    The species' decline is driven primarily by loss of forest habitat to palm oil plantations and other human land use, according to IUCN.


  • 我们正在目击六千五百万年前恐龙消失以来,行星上大规模物种灭绝危机”,国际自然保护联盟声称。

    "We are currently witnessing the greatest extinction crisis since dinosaurs disappeared from our planet 65 million years ago," according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature.


  • 国际自然保护联盟发布濒危物种红色名单》,是世界动植物品种全面最权威保护清单

    The IUCN issues the Red List of Threatened Species, the most comprehensive and authoritative conservation inventory of the world's plants and animals species.


  • 遍布东南亚这种犀鸟(2005年摄葛林芝塞布拉公园)正在减少,国际自然保护联盟列入危名单。

    Widespread throughout Southeast Asia, the rhinoceros hornbill (pictured in Kerinci Seblat in July 2005) is dwindling and is listed as near threatened by IUCN.


  • 波斯生活在中东IUCN国际自然保护联盟)称物种最大种群伊朗阿富汗。IUCN将波斯豹列为濒危物种。

    Persian leopards are native to the Middle East. The largest populations are in Iran and Afghanistan, according to the IUCN. The organization lists the cats as endangered.


  • 国际自然保护联盟(IUCN)认为,这个速度物种自然灭绝速度高出一千至一万倍,很大程度上是由于人类活动导致。

    According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the rate is between 1, 000 and 10, 000 times higher than the natural rate of extinction. This is largely due to human activity.


  • 19世纪捕猎使其大部分被毁灭,国际自然保护联盟(IUCN)数据,19世纪40年代屠宰的露脊鲸就多达3万只。

    But hunting in the 19th century wiped out most of them, with up to30, 000 slaughtered in the 1840s alone, according to the InternationalUnion for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN).


  • 根据国际自然保护联盟估计,由此带来的结果高达三分之一全部种类的鲨鱼都面临接近面临着绝种的危险,这其中就包含电影中的大白鲨

    As a result, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature estimates that as many as a third of all shark species are threatened or near threatened with extinction, including the great white.


  • 国际自然保护联盟更新报告说道:“一系列广泛全国性调查证据表明之前滚滚数量下降的局面遏制住了,并且已经开始反弹增加了。”

    "Evidence from a series of range-wide national surveys indicate that the previous population decline has been arrested, and the population has started to increase, " said the IUCN's updated report.


  • 国际自然保护联盟主任英格¼·安德森告诉记者说:“今天是个悲伤日子因为国际自然保护联盟名单显示我们正在毁灭我们亲缘关系最近的动物。”

    "Today is a sad day because the IUCN Red List shows we are wiping out some of our closest relatives," Inger Andersen, IUCN director general, told reporters.


  • 国际自然保护联盟主任英格¼·安德森告诉记者说:“今天是个悲伤日子因为国际自然保护联盟名单显示我们正在毁灭我们亲缘关系最近的动物。”

    "Today is a sad day because the IUCN Red List shows we are wiping out some of our closest relatives," Inger Andersen, IUCN director general, told reporters.


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