Live and Let Die 生死关头 ; 你死我活 ; 互不相容
Live And Die For Love 生死也为爱
say live and die 飘荡的鬼魂
Live and die with you 与你共存亡
Live and Die 生存和毁灭
Then Live And Die 那么生活和死亡
Individuals Live And Die 个人生活和死亡
What are they willing to live and die for?
I will die, you willdie, millions will live and die, but Italy does not die.
This willingness to live and die in society is a mark of great deficiency.
If only you'd known you had another 50 years, that you weren't going to die young-- or James Dean, going to burn out fast and die young-- if only you'd realized you were going to live to the ripe old age of 97, you would have picked a different life for yourself.