It can be reset to the clean out of box state using the command "reset the Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Experimental instance" from your start menu.
我们可以使用开始菜单中的“重置微软Visual Studio 2010实验实例”选项,把它重置为干净的状态。
Though it is not required, I suggest that you run the addpm.exe file in the bin subdirectory to register Emacs so that it's accessible from your Start menu.
虽然不是必须的,我还是建议您运行 bin 子目录中的 addpm.exe 以 注册Emacs,这样就可以从 start 菜单上访问它了。
Then drag some ICONS from the Start Menu on to your desktop and arrange them on the bookshelves and the table (here's mine).