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Yan Duhe (1889-1968), one frame, word sub-material, do not know, No. I, Bin Fang hall owners, pen Duhe, the old soldier, Warm Life. Qing Xianfeng, Yan Chen Hanlin years, grand-nephew, Tongxiang Wuzhen people. "Duhe" is his pen name after the early death of a spouse. Diligence Sims, conduct virtuous. 14 year old scholar. The following year, into the Shanghai Jiangnan Manufacturing Bureau-owned ordnance school to receive modern education. Later promoted to Canton dialect Museum learning French, English and a few physics and chemistry subjects. , 19-year-old death of his father, left school to employment, support the family. Novice teachers, on Hainan Island Primary School, and went to Jiangxi Shangrao GITIC secondary schools. After the republican revolution Hui Hu Ren ordnance school clerical staff. In 1913, Jin Zhong Hua Book Company either English editor, and engaged in literary and artistic creation. When Shen Tomokata create a world bookstores, employing Yan Duhe peace HAILAN English books such as editing. Yan Duhe since 1914 in Shanghai at the "Business News" supplement pen G up more than 30 years, compiled a "happy forest", "new garden" that is "Duhe," the name of a daily pro-essays "Conversation", the plot thousand articles, mostly point out problems of the text, to be appreciated by readers. In 1931, he served as deputy managing editor of the literary supplement of the newspaper editor, and later part-time, "Seng Weng Evening News" editor. Supplement was originally called "Zhuang harmonic recorded" and then later renamed the compilation, "happy forest." 128 Incident, the state more difficult, without happy to speak of, but also changed its name to the "new garden." Early newspaper articles, most of the ancient body of the text, Duhe took the lead in the vernacular language of, and accompanied by current events comics, Yan Shi meaning of the fastest in the news than anything else, since 1929, compiled in the "happy forest" on the serial Zhang Henshui's "fate WAREHOUSE , "both interesting, another contemporary, illustrated, widely appealing, with many readers. Novel one, so Zhang Henshui renowned the world over, including women and children to become writers north and south, which in modern literary history is an anomaly.



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