wave control delta 浪控三角洲
wave-dominated delta [海洋] 波控三角洲
delta wave Delta波
wave-controlled delta 浪控三角洲
wave dorminated delta 浪控三角洲
late delta wave 晚发δ波
delta shock wave 狄拉克激波
Delta-shock wave 狄拉克激波解
wave-dominated estuary and delta 波浪优势型河口三角洲
The sediments of delta front around wave base plane are eroded by wave action and took along to redeposit below wave base plane, during which turbidite is formed.
If the wave energy is weak coastal barrier sands do not form where the delta meets the sea.
The voltage signal can be changed into a lot of wave forms such as pulse wave, delta wave, DC signal.