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unfortunately they both died



"This book says that they are the reason why we exist. Andre and Cariah were really normal humans before who were passionately in love with each other. Cariah unfortunately was bitten by a poisonous snake, and Andre had no clue what to do so he tried sucking out the poison from her blood, unfortunately they both died. But, no one knew that Cariah was actually pregnant, and the baby some how survived, years went buy and as soon as the baby was 17 he discovered power and the day he woke up, he woke up in a place were no mankind was to be found it was a deserted place but he had the powers so he could send dreams to people he send a beautiful one to his love Anna , and the powers were said to be the result of Cariah and Andre's love. The boys was immune to any disease or illness and survived to be 300 years old but still look like a 20 year old man. That's how vampires were said to be born most of the families here are either Cariah and Andre's bloodline or were transported here by dream caster now know as Doctors."



unfortunately they both died


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